Saturday, October 31, 2009

Help please in puberty and bras?

i'm 10 yrs old and i know i am going through puberty. i have pubic hair and my mom told me to shave my armpits. my boobs are sort of big for my age. i want a bra so bad. cupped, padded, or training. i already wear camis under all my shirts. 8 months ago i was at the store with my mom. we were passing the bra section. she asked me if i wanted a bra. i laughed and said no. but i really do want one. after that, i asked my mom if i needed a bra. she said sort of and never asked me if i wanted one. she didn't buy me one. she never said anything about that since. i have a sister who is 16, but i'm too scared to talk to her about it. we aren't that close. i am so scared to ask my mom if we can go bra shopping. when do most girls people get their periods and when do most girls start puberty. can you explain puberty to me? how can i give my mom signs that i want and need a bra? i can tell that she noticed i've grown, but she never told me anything. please help me!!!
Do NOT be scared to talk to your mom or sister about this. Puberty can start as early as 8 years old and it can start late as 17 years old or even later. It depends. EVERY Girl is different and experience different things, Some may start their period at 8 years old, some at 12-14 and some even alot later, some girls may gain alot of weight to no weight gain, Some girls may have growth spurt early on, or not have one, or have a growth spurt really late. I never really had a growth spurt, I think I only had a growth spurt as a baby and may 5-7 years old and thats it. But i am 18 and half years old and I am still growing. Hopefully till i am about 22 years old. I am about 5'4 or so and my current weight is 102 0r 103. I used to be around 115-120 at aronud 5'3 (2004) and I didn't like the weight because I had too much fat on me. I went on a diet and lost most of the weight. i am never getting off the diet either. How tall are you and How much do you weigh ? if you don't mind asking. If you are too scared to go to your sister or your mom about girl stuff you are MORE than WELCOME to Come to ME, via EMAIL which is Feel free to email me anytime you want. Good luck Hope my answers help.
i started when i was 12, you dont have to give your mom sighns just ask her for one if you want privatly, everybody has to go through puberty in life so dont worry you just started early
Just tell her! She won't laugh at you or tell you no, she's already offered to go bra shopping with you and you weren't interested, so she's waiting for you to tell her otherwise. Your period will probably start in the next couple of months.
Trust your mom, she wants to help you, but she can't read your mind.
just ask your mom for the bra. dont be embarrassed. she will understand. she probably isnt asking you if you want one anymore because you said no the last time. but dont worry if you ask her shell buy it for you. girls get their periods between the age 9 to 16. you will get your period about two years after your breasts start growing.
omg i went through the same prob, at the time it was embarrassing but now im so glad i did what i did, ok first of all if u want a bra and ur scared to tell ur mom that u want one, then do what i did, ok first wait till u guys go shopping (or say u wanna go) and when u pass the section, usually they have underwear in that section to, so say hey mom lets look at the underwear, and then u look through that and casually but not noticeable walk (but looking around at other stuff) to the bras and then pick out a really pretty one, and be like hey mom look at this! its so pretty! how come i dont have one yet? and then ask her if u can have a "big girl bra" witch was what my mom called it lol. and then if u dont know ur size they'll just measure u there and tell ya what size ya need, about the puberty, u'll just have some more hair, and b'o,and zits, and u'll start thinking about guys more often, like u'll see a hott one and think, woo baby come on over here, lol stuff like that, most girls start puberty at 9 but some start later, and the age for periods is like 10 or older, sometimes younger, it just depends on when ur body starts to change. trust me have fun while u dont have ur period because when u get them craps hurt, but dont worry, everyone lives through them, lol, well hope i helped!
If you going through puberty you should be having a bra dont worry your mom seems really nice and will b totally fine about getting you a bra, just take a deep breath and say 'mom i think im ready for my first bra, do you think we can go shopping.' she will b totally fine about it and probably enjoy it as her babys growing up, dont be shy its just some thing girls have to do! Compared to other things in life bras are a doddle so talk to your sister it may make you closer just ask her advice and dont be shy im sure she will b fine about it to. If your getting pubic hair, underarm hair and developing breasts you period could come at anytime but every girl is diffrent, if you want to feel a bit more safer incase you start your period at an unexpected time carry a pad or tampon in your purse with you, and hey if you talk to your mom now about bras you will be closer and it will be much easier to tell her you have started you period!, I wish you the best of luck and welcome to womenhood! xXx
So you need to ask her for a bra while you are shopping next. Dont be embarassed about it. It is a girl thing. About your period many girls get it when they are 12-15 but it kinda depends on weight a little. but each girl is differnt. if you are heavier your period is most likley to come when you are younger but if you are skinnier your period will come later in life. Try talking to your sister about somthing then happen to bring the subject up. She will understand she is a girl too. E-mail me for more help

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