Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help im flatchested and my best friends arent!?

hi, im 15 and im flat chested. i got my period at 13 but nothing seemed to happen "up there". im tall, and skinny (i dance ballet) my best friends are short and have a chest. i talk to guys and make them laugh alot and stuff but when it comes to relationships and what not, all the guys like them not me. and it sorta gets depressing esp. when you go somewhere and they get all the attention. any tips?
thanks :]
You need to become more comfortable with your body. Boobs aren't everything, don't kill yourself over it. Guys like different things. Think about it why would you want someone liking you for the size of your boobs anyways. They should get to know you for who you are, and learn to love you not your body. I'm sure your beautiful the way you are.and don't worry maybe they'll grow. My friend used to be the same way and she complained alot and now damn her boobs are huge lol. Look at your family. Does your mom have big boobs...most of the times we end up having around our moms or aunts/grandmas size. But anyways point is calm down and just TRY to be comfortable with yourself. Tell yourself your beautiful the way you are.
Well you can do some push ups to excercise and strengthen your muscles in that area but untill your body is ready to develop there is not much you can do. They will come soon :)
Maybe you can ask your mom when she developed %26 yours might arround the same time :)
Good Luck keep your head up and your smile on!
Guys dont only look up there to find an attractive girl, they look for many other things like eyes, personality, booty :) ect.
if after 2 years of having your period you're still not developed, chances are, you won't be. gaining some weight will help a little, along with push-up bras, and, if in a few years the situation doesn't improve, i'd consider surgery. of course, there's always the whole "feeling good about the way you are" deal..
well if u do ballet u should should stay flat cause u have to be really skinny...everywhere!!
okay, first of all, you dont want THAT kind of attention from boys anyway.

I am fairly flat chested, and I have a boyfriend who is wonderful and loves me for who I am, boobs or not. I recommend that you do the same. boobs are overrated and hurt your back in the end anyway!! hehe
Stuff your bra if its that big of a problem
you have to be confident i just got mine[haha well they grew] and im 15. my friend[15] is also very flat. it just takes longer for some. wear flatttering clothes. and avoid boys that like you just for your curves.

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