whats the best and fastest cure for coldsores?
there are excellent products at the drug store
Abreva. The downside is that it's around $22.
vitamin e stick works like a charm
lip balm called herpecin and not touching it wash you're hands often
Nothing is fast but if you start taking large does of L-lysine which is a suppliment it will heal faster and help prevent getting more. Look into it.
vitimen E and abreva work wonders togeather
Saturday, October 31, 2009
HELP PLEASE!! please please?
my period is due next week because im on the pill so it always come on that day and i've noticed a bit of spotting of blood in my underwear and i've been having killer back pains and i feel really ligh headed and sick lately! am i having a possible miscarriage??
no. It's breakthrough bleeding and it's very common. You're body is having the same reaction as if you were having your regular period.
Take some Motrin/Advil and lay down.
why ? /would u get period /if u r pregnant / call family dr /make appointment / if worsens /go to er
More than likely it's caused by what is called "breakthrough bleeding". A lot of women get this on the pill. If you were pregnant your back wouldn't be hurting THIS soon. That comes at about 6 months when the weight of the baby is causing excessive strain on your back. The pill you are on may not be strong enough for you. Talk to your doctor. I would highly doubt you're pregnant though.
if your expecting your period then you cant be having a miscarriage cause you cant be pregnant! simple! but go check with your doctor. in regard to the back pains well if you are pregnant and you are getting them already i dread to think how bad your back is gunna be at 9 months!
Most likely it is "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" or "breakthrough" bleeding. But to be on the safe side...check a pregnancy test.
no. It's breakthrough bleeding and it's very common. You're body is having the same reaction as if you were having your regular period.
Take some Motrin/Advil and lay down.
why ? /would u get period /if u r pregnant / call family dr /make appointment / if worsens /go to er
More than likely it's caused by what is called "breakthrough bleeding". A lot of women get this on the pill. If you were pregnant your back wouldn't be hurting THIS soon. That comes at about 6 months when the weight of the baby is causing excessive strain on your back. The pill you are on may not be strong enough for you. Talk to your doctor. I would highly doubt you're pregnant though.
if your expecting your period then you cant be having a miscarriage cause you cant be pregnant! simple! but go check with your doctor. in regard to the back pains well if you are pregnant and you are getting them already i dread to think how bad your back is gunna be at 9 months!
Most likely it is "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" or "breakthrough" bleeding. But to be on the safe side...check a pregnancy test.
Help please is this pink eye???
so the corner nearest my nose is pinkish red, no other part is red on my eye, and its been this way for two days now, im not sure if its pink eye or not bc 3 nights ago i woke up rubbing my eyes really really bad bc of allergies my mom sayd i most have irretated it or just rubbed it so hard that its pink now, my eye isnt swollen, so is it pink eye or did i hurt it rubbing it and if its pink eye what can i do about it, i dnt have insurance anymore so a doc is out of ? anything at walmart..will ahve to do%26gt; thanks alot
and is it really contagious?? how to prevent boyfriend whom i live with get it?? and i have a kitten can she get it?
That does not sound like pink eye, maybe allergies. Pink eye is usually accompanied by a green discharge from the corner of the eye.
All i know is its really contagious!
OK...first if it is infact pink eye you will need to get a perscription from a doctor.
Second...the white part of the eye would be pink (typically not always but usually).
Forth...Typically your eye will "matte" shut with pink eye.
If after 3 days it is not "matteing" shut I would think you hvae irritated it, gotten something in it or allergies.
its most likely NOT pink eye [yeah sigh of relief right?] but when you rubbed it when you woke up, do you think its possibly you might have broken a small bloodvessel in your eye? if so dont worry about it, that clears up in a few days / a week. from what i know, and my experience in the medical field, its not pink eye. your eye is probably just irritated, or youve broken a bloodvessel. get some eye drops [clear eyes, haha that guy is so sarcastic-sounding in the commercial] but yeah any kind of eye drops that reduce redness is good. . hope this helps. tenpoints? =]
pink eye feels like its dry %26 has grit in it, %26 when you wake up it would be crusty, %26 itches %26 watery, yes pink eye is contagious, i dont know about to cats though, you need an antibiotic for your eyes, go to the emergency room, you can make payments, better to be safe than sorry. its also known as conjuctiveitis.
you can't have pink eyes!
the only iris colors are green hazel blue and brown
no pink, DUMMY!
pink eye IS contagious..i had pink eye in one eye, rubbed the other eye and got it in BOTH eyes....it spreads very easily..
Some things you can do is make yourself tea...and use the teabag and place it on the corner of your eye.it helps relieve the itching and reduces any swelling if any. Green tea is usually the best...but black tea is normal too. When I had pink eye, my eyes were red, including the red veins through the white of the eye and felt swollen.everytime i woke up in the morning my eyes were "glued shut"...basically the crust that forms from pink eye or when anything gets in your eye actually "sealed" my eyes so in the morning i would have to wipe the "crust" away..so any of those syptoms i spoke about could indicate pink eye because that was a severe case i had.
There are eyedrops you can get from the doctor but you said you dont have anymore insurance...unless you call up and ask to see how much a charge would be.
Try to not share sunglasses with other people...I did and I got pink eye (when I was younger).make sure you wash your hands and what not...germs increase chances.
Allergies on the other hand can be to the point where you have itchy eyes like pink eye..try benadryl or allergy relief medicines.if it goes away - then you know its allergies.
I wish you luck and feel better! For more info check these sites out ..
and is it really contagious?? how to prevent boyfriend whom i live with get it?? and i have a kitten can she get it?
That does not sound like pink eye, maybe allergies. Pink eye is usually accompanied by a green discharge from the corner of the eye.
All i know is its really contagious!
OK...first if it is infact pink eye you will need to get a perscription from a doctor.
Second...the white part of the eye would be pink (typically not always but usually).
Forth...Typically your eye will "matte" shut with pink eye.
If after 3 days it is not "matteing" shut I would think you hvae irritated it, gotten something in it or allergies.
its most likely NOT pink eye [yeah sigh of relief right?] but when you rubbed it when you woke up, do you think its possibly you might have broken a small bloodvessel in your eye? if so dont worry about it, that clears up in a few days / a week. from what i know, and my experience in the medical field, its not pink eye. your eye is probably just irritated, or youve broken a bloodvessel. get some eye drops [clear eyes, haha that guy is so sarcastic-sounding in the commercial] but yeah any kind of eye drops that reduce redness is good. . hope this helps. tenpoints? =]
pink eye feels like its dry %26 has grit in it, %26 when you wake up it would be crusty, %26 itches %26 watery, yes pink eye is contagious, i dont know about to cats though, you need an antibiotic for your eyes, go to the emergency room, you can make payments, better to be safe than sorry. its also known as conjuctiveitis.
you can't have pink eyes!
the only iris colors are green hazel blue and brown
no pink, DUMMY!
pink eye IS contagious..i had pink eye in one eye, rubbed the other eye and got it in BOTH eyes....it spreads very easily..
Some things you can do is make yourself tea...and use the teabag and place it on the corner of your eye.it helps relieve the itching and reduces any swelling if any. Green tea is usually the best...but black tea is normal too. When I had pink eye, my eyes were red, including the red veins through the white of the eye and felt swollen.everytime i woke up in the morning my eyes were "glued shut"...basically the crust that forms from pink eye or when anything gets in your eye actually "sealed" my eyes so in the morning i would have to wipe the "crust" away..so any of those syptoms i spoke about could indicate pink eye because that was a severe case i had.
There are eyedrops you can get from the doctor but you said you dont have anymore insurance...unless you call up and ask to see how much a charge would be.
Try to not share sunglasses with other people...I did and I got pink eye (when I was younger).make sure you wash your hands and what not...germs increase chances.
Allergies on the other hand can be to the point where you have itchy eyes like pink eye..try benadryl or allergy relief medicines.if it goes away - then you know its allergies.
I wish you luck and feel better! For more info check these sites out ..
Help please in puberty and bras?
i'm 10 yrs old and i know i am going through puberty. i have pubic hair and my mom told me to shave my armpits. my boobs are sort of big for my age. i want a bra so bad. cupped, padded, or training. i already wear camis under all my shirts. 8 months ago i was at the store with my mom. we were passing the bra section. she asked me if i wanted a bra. i laughed and said no. but i really do want one. after that, i asked my mom if i needed a bra. she said sort of and never asked me if i wanted one. she didn't buy me one. she never said anything about that since. i have a sister who is 16, but i'm too scared to talk to her about it. we aren't that close. i am so scared to ask my mom if we can go bra shopping. when do most girls people get their periods and when do most girls start puberty. can you explain puberty to me? how can i give my mom signs that i want and need a bra? i can tell that she noticed i've grown, but she never told me anything. please help me!!!
Do NOT be scared to talk to your mom or sister about this. Puberty can start as early as 8 years old and it can start late as 17 years old or even later. It depends. EVERY Girl is different and experience different things, Some may start their period at 8 years old, some at 12-14 and some even alot later, some girls may gain alot of weight to no weight gain, Some girls may have growth spurt early on, or not have one, or have a growth spurt really late. I never really had a growth spurt, I think I only had a growth spurt as a baby and may 5-7 years old and thats it. But i am 18 and half years old and I am still growing. Hopefully till i am about 22 years old. I am about 5'4 or so and my current weight is 102 0r 103. I used to be around 115-120 at aronud 5'3 (2004) and I didn't like the weight because I had too much fat on me. I went on a diet and lost most of the weight. i am never getting off the diet either. How tall are you and How much do you weigh ? if you don't mind asking. If you are too scared to go to your sister or your mom about girl stuff you are MORE than WELCOME to Come to ME, via EMAIL which is alianna_hodiya@yahoo.com Feel free to email me anytime you want. Good luck Hope my answers help.
i started when i was 12, you dont have to give your mom sighns just ask her for one if you want privatly, everybody has to go through puberty in life so dont worry you just started early
Just tell her! She won't laugh at you or tell you no, she's already offered to go bra shopping with you and you weren't interested, so she's waiting for you to tell her otherwise. Your period will probably start in the next couple of months.
Trust your mom, she wants to help you, but she can't read your mind.
just ask your mom for the bra. dont be embarrassed. she will understand. she probably isnt asking you if you want one anymore because you said no the last time. but dont worry if you ask her shell buy it for you. girls get their periods between the age 9 to 16. you will get your period about two years after your breasts start growing.
omg i went through the same prob, at the time it was embarrassing but now im so glad i did what i did, ok first of all if u want a bra and ur scared to tell ur mom that u want one, then do what i did, ok first wait till u guys go shopping (or say u wanna go) and when u pass the section, usually they have underwear in that section to, so say hey mom lets look at the underwear, and then u look through that and casually but not noticeable walk (but looking around at other stuff) to the bras and then pick out a really pretty one, and be like hey mom look at this! its so pretty! how come i dont have one yet? and then ask her if u can have a "big girl bra" witch was what my mom called it lol. and then if u dont know ur size they'll just measure u there and tell ya what size ya need, about the puberty, u'll just have some more hair, and b'o,and zits, and u'll start thinking about guys more often, like u'll see a hott one and think, woo baby come on over here, lol stuff like that, most girls start puberty at 9 but some start later, and the age for periods is like 10 or older, sometimes younger, it just depends on when ur body starts to change. trust me have fun while u dont have ur period because when u get them craps hurt, but dont worry, everyone lives through them, lol, well hope i helped!
If you going through puberty you should be having a bra dont worry your mom seems really nice and will b totally fine about getting you a bra, just take a deep breath and say 'mom i think im ready for my first bra, do you think we can go shopping.' she will b totally fine about it and probably enjoy it as her babys growing up, dont be shy its just some thing girls have to do! Compared to other things in life bras are a doddle so talk to your sister it may make you closer just ask her advice and dont be shy im sure she will b fine about it to. If your getting pubic hair, underarm hair and developing breasts you period could come at anytime but every girl is diffrent, if you want to feel a bit more safer incase you start your period at an unexpected time carry a pad or tampon in your purse with you, and hey if you talk to your mom now about bras you will be closer and it will be much easier to tell her you have started you period!, I wish you the best of luck and welcome to womenhood! xXx
So you need to ask her for a bra while you are shopping next. Dont be embarassed about it. It is a girl thing. About your period many girls get it when they are 12-15 but it kinda depends on weight a little. but each girl is differnt. if you are heavier your period is most likley to come when you are younger but if you are skinnier your period will come later in life. Try talking to your sister about somthing then happen to bring the subject up. She will understand she is a girl too. E-mail me for more help
Do NOT be scared to talk to your mom or sister about this. Puberty can start as early as 8 years old and it can start late as 17 years old or even later. It depends. EVERY Girl is different and experience different things, Some may start their period at 8 years old, some at 12-14 and some even alot later, some girls may gain alot of weight to no weight gain, Some girls may have growth spurt early on, or not have one, or have a growth spurt really late. I never really had a growth spurt, I think I only had a growth spurt as a baby and may 5-7 years old and thats it. But i am 18 and half years old and I am still growing. Hopefully till i am about 22 years old. I am about 5'4 or so and my current weight is 102 0r 103. I used to be around 115-120 at aronud 5'3 (2004) and I didn't like the weight because I had too much fat on me. I went on a diet and lost most of the weight. i am never getting off the diet either. How tall are you and How much do you weigh ? if you don't mind asking. If you are too scared to go to your sister or your mom about girl stuff you are MORE than WELCOME to Come to ME, via EMAIL which is alianna_hodiya@yahoo.com Feel free to email me anytime you want. Good luck Hope my answers help.
i started when i was 12, you dont have to give your mom sighns just ask her for one if you want privatly, everybody has to go through puberty in life so dont worry you just started early
Just tell her! She won't laugh at you or tell you no, she's already offered to go bra shopping with you and you weren't interested, so she's waiting for you to tell her otherwise. Your period will probably start in the next couple of months.
Trust your mom, she wants to help you, but she can't read your mind.
just ask your mom for the bra. dont be embarrassed. she will understand. she probably isnt asking you if you want one anymore because you said no the last time. but dont worry if you ask her shell buy it for you. girls get their periods between the age 9 to 16. you will get your period about two years after your breasts start growing.
omg i went through the same prob, at the time it was embarrassing but now im so glad i did what i did, ok first of all if u want a bra and ur scared to tell ur mom that u want one, then do what i did, ok first wait till u guys go shopping (or say u wanna go) and when u pass the section, usually they have underwear in that section to, so say hey mom lets look at the underwear, and then u look through that and casually but not noticeable walk (but looking around at other stuff) to the bras and then pick out a really pretty one, and be like hey mom look at this! its so pretty! how come i dont have one yet? and then ask her if u can have a "big girl bra" witch was what my mom called it lol. and then if u dont know ur size they'll just measure u there and tell ya what size ya need, about the puberty, u'll just have some more hair, and b'o,and zits, and u'll start thinking about guys more often, like u'll see a hott one and think, woo baby come on over here, lol stuff like that, most girls start puberty at 9 but some start later, and the age for periods is like 10 or older, sometimes younger, it just depends on when ur body starts to change. trust me have fun while u dont have ur period because when u get them craps hurt, but dont worry, everyone lives through them, lol, well hope i helped!
If you going through puberty you should be having a bra dont worry your mom seems really nice and will b totally fine about getting you a bra, just take a deep breath and say 'mom i think im ready for my first bra, do you think we can go shopping.' she will b totally fine about it and probably enjoy it as her babys growing up, dont be shy its just some thing girls have to do! Compared to other things in life bras are a doddle so talk to your sister it may make you closer just ask her advice and dont be shy im sure she will b fine about it to. If your getting pubic hair, underarm hair and developing breasts you period could come at anytime but every girl is diffrent, if you want to feel a bit more safer incase you start your period at an unexpected time carry a pad or tampon in your purse with you, and hey if you talk to your mom now about bras you will be closer and it will be much easier to tell her you have started you period!, I wish you the best of luck and welcome to womenhood! xXx
So you need to ask her for a bra while you are shopping next. Dont be embarassed about it. It is a girl thing. About your period many girls get it when they are 12-15 but it kinda depends on weight a little. but each girl is differnt. if you are heavier your period is most likley to come when you are younger but if you are skinnier your period will come later in life. Try talking to your sister about somthing then happen to bring the subject up. She will understand she is a girl too. E-mail me for more help
Help please ;]?
are you supposed to shave your vaginal hair? or what?! im getting bumps and it hurts when i shave..please help!:]
NO! Leave it alone. Be a woman, not a little girl.
dont shve! or u have no hair to show boys when youre older
You can if you want to. There's no rule against it. As for the bumps, they're either ingrown hairs or bumps from shaving. Try using a shaving cream or just stop shaving.
its called a shaving burn put some lotion on it
yes you are, nobody wants to see a big old bush when we take your pants off to do you.
No. There is no law that says you must shave there.
Most don't shave.
the bumps are irritation to the razor/shaving cream
you can or cannot shave it its up to you, personal prefrence
if you decide to continue shaving then maybe take a warm bath first to soften the hairs and use a good razor or new disposable one and some shaving cream for sensitive skin or you can try baby lotion or conditioner.
If it hurts, then thats bad, go see a doctor, and shaving vaginal hair isn't important at all. but bumps may be a sign of an STD.
Its probley razor burn. If you still wish to shave do, its not a infection I don't think and if your still worried see your doctor.
Its personal prefrence, but like another said, we are not little girls, or models, plus the hair keeps it safe from bad bacteria from getting in your vagina. get a bikini wax, and a trim of the hair. Brazillan waxes are not NATURAL. lol
but it is a personal prefrence. it sounds like you have many many ingrown hairs, which can get infected, bumpy, and even produce pus. please be careful.
You can, but you don't have to shave that area. It's not like anybody will actually look at your vaginal area (it's not as visible as your legs or armpits). To be honest, I have the same problem - I basically get ingrown hairs, the bumps get redder, bigger, and actually start to bleed the more I shave. So what I do is I shave my legs all the way to the top, as far up as it's possible. That way I don't get those horrible bumps and nobody sees gross hair sticking out from under my swimming suit or shorts. Also, from time to time, I cut the hair on that area with scissors so that they don't get too long or uncomfortable. That's a very good method to deal with it. Try it out - it works well for me. Hope that helps!
dont bother shaving.. is my advice..
NO! Leave it alone. Be a woman, not a little girl.
dont shve! or u have no hair to show boys when youre older
You can if you want to. There's no rule against it. As for the bumps, they're either ingrown hairs or bumps from shaving. Try using a shaving cream or just stop shaving.
its called a shaving burn put some lotion on it
yes you are, nobody wants to see a big old bush when we take your pants off to do you.
No. There is no law that says you must shave there.
Most don't shave.
the bumps are irritation to the razor/shaving cream
you can or cannot shave it its up to you, personal prefrence
if you decide to continue shaving then maybe take a warm bath first to soften the hairs and use a good razor or new disposable one and some shaving cream for sensitive skin or you can try baby lotion or conditioner.
If it hurts, then thats bad, go see a doctor, and shaving vaginal hair isn't important at all. but bumps may be a sign of an STD.
Its probley razor burn. If you still wish to shave do, its not a infection I don't think and if your still worried see your doctor.
Its personal prefrence, but like another said, we are not little girls, or models, plus the hair keeps it safe from bad bacteria from getting in your vagina. get a bikini wax, and a trim of the hair. Brazillan waxes are not NATURAL. lol
but it is a personal prefrence. it sounds like you have many many ingrown hairs, which can get infected, bumpy, and even produce pus. please be careful.
You can, but you don't have to shave that area. It's not like anybody will actually look at your vaginal area (it's not as visible as your legs or armpits). To be honest, I have the same problem - I basically get ingrown hairs, the bumps get redder, bigger, and actually start to bleed the more I shave. So what I do is I shave my legs all the way to the top, as far up as it's possible. That way I don't get those horrible bumps and nobody sees gross hair sticking out from under my swimming suit or shorts. Also, from time to time, I cut the hair on that area with scissors so that they don't get too long or uncomfortable. That's a very good method to deal with it. Try it out - it works well for me. Hope that helps!
dont bother shaving.. is my advice..
Help only for girls?
sometime i would see white stuff and it is not clear in my vigina and i dont no what it is could this be the start of my period but no blud yet what is happening should i be on the look out for this help oh and i am only 9 almost 10 is this early to have your peroid or is it just normal
Yeah, you're almost to your period. Nothing bad, just vaginal fluid. It will happen regularly throughout your life growing up. Starting your period at 10 is normal. So don't worry about it. When you DO start your period, let your mom know. Good luck.
its normal the youngest girl to every have her period was 6 by the way,its just a lil discharge no biggy
it could just be discharge and that is normal. but its not to early to start your period that is about the same i age i got mine.
Yes it is normal, the vagina is a mucous membrane and having white discharge is normal.
10 is not too early to start, some girls begin as early as 8.
no, sorry :)
dont worry your ok. its just discharge every girl gets it at some point its your bodysway of cleanign itself. if it is yellowish or smells fishy talk to a parent you might have a yeast infection but thats no big deal a few meds and its gone! but i highley dought thats wat it is no need to worry best of luck!! marylynne
Don't worry about it- if it's clear now, it's not a problem. As long as it doesn't have a really strong odor, or any color, it's just natural. I was only 11 when I started my period, so starting it at 10- no big deal! If you have questions or are concerned about anything going on with your body, talk to your mom or another trusted adult woman. Or just ask your doctor:o)
It is normal
it's normal
You're just fine, dear. Your body is going to be going through alot of changes... and your discharge is all part of the process. You'll have a creamy white discharge, a clear one, and also stuff that comes out like clear sticky glue clumps. These are all normal.
Even when you get your period, there will be different stages and looks to the menstral cycle discharge. Some of the blood will be really runny, like if you cut your hand. Some of it will be big clots of blood, and some will be brown (usually towards the end of your cycle).
The only one that will require treatment is when it's more of a yellowish or green color... or if your liba itches really bad. That is a yeast infection. This infection has nothing to do with if you wash everyday or not - it's more of your bodies reaction to tight clothes, or if it's really hot. You might even get one after you take anitbiotics. If you get this (you can usually tell if you have it by the consant need to itch your crotch) tell your mom and she can make an appointment for the doctor. You will have to strip down from your waist and they will have to take a culture of the discharge. Don't worry or be embarrased about it... it doesn't hurt and you're not going to be the only person they've had to to this too. Once you walk out of the room, it's on to the next patient. They see so many privates... it's old hat. (I used to be a certified nurses assistant... and cleaning peoples butts and privates got to be nothing new...it's just a job).
After the test, they will prescribe Difulcan, probably. It's one pink pill that will cure the yeast infection. That's it. It doesn't hurt or make you sick. You might want to get some anti-itch cream to apply to the outter areas to help ease the itch until the pill works.
Dispite all of this information, dear... talk to your mom. She should be able to give you some pointers and make you feel more comfortable about what your body is going to be going through pretty soon. Don't let your teenage hormones (which will come, if they already haven't) put a wall between your mom and yourself... she went through it all herself and she loves you... that's the best thing ever.
Good luck, sweetie!
Well your supposed to be 13 to be on here but i will answer anyway, Its called vaginal discharge, no its not your period, it can happen usually around 13, its early to have it at 9 or 10, and dont worry about stuff like this yet, and it should be clear to totally white, if its green, brown, or cottage cheese like you have an infection.
just normal stuff
no what your are experiencing generally happens 1 yr or 2 before you get your period it is totally normal
Yeah, you're almost to your period. Nothing bad, just vaginal fluid. It will happen regularly throughout your life growing up. Starting your period at 10 is normal. So don't worry about it. When you DO start your period, let your mom know. Good luck.
its normal the youngest girl to every have her period was 6 by the way,its just a lil discharge no biggy
it could just be discharge and that is normal. but its not to early to start your period that is about the same i age i got mine.
Yes it is normal, the vagina is a mucous membrane and having white discharge is normal.
10 is not too early to start, some girls begin as early as 8.
no, sorry :)
dont worry your ok. its just discharge every girl gets it at some point its your bodysway of cleanign itself. if it is yellowish or smells fishy talk to a parent you might have a yeast infection but thats no big deal a few meds and its gone! but i highley dought thats wat it is no need to worry best of luck!! marylynne
Don't worry about it- if it's clear now, it's not a problem. As long as it doesn't have a really strong odor, or any color, it's just natural. I was only 11 when I started my period, so starting it at 10- no big deal! If you have questions or are concerned about anything going on with your body, talk to your mom or another trusted adult woman. Or just ask your doctor:o)
It is normal
it's normal
You're just fine, dear. Your body is going to be going through alot of changes... and your discharge is all part of the process. You'll have a creamy white discharge, a clear one, and also stuff that comes out like clear sticky glue clumps. These are all normal.
Even when you get your period, there will be different stages and looks to the menstral cycle discharge. Some of the blood will be really runny, like if you cut your hand. Some of it will be big clots of blood, and some will be brown (usually towards the end of your cycle).
The only one that will require treatment is when it's more of a yellowish or green color... or if your liba itches really bad. That is a yeast infection. This infection has nothing to do with if you wash everyday or not - it's more of your bodies reaction to tight clothes, or if it's really hot. You might even get one after you take anitbiotics. If you get this (you can usually tell if you have it by the consant need to itch your crotch) tell your mom and she can make an appointment for the doctor. You will have to strip down from your waist and they will have to take a culture of the discharge. Don't worry or be embarrased about it... it doesn't hurt and you're not going to be the only person they've had to to this too. Once you walk out of the room, it's on to the next patient. They see so many privates... it's old hat. (I used to be a certified nurses assistant... and cleaning peoples butts and privates got to be nothing new...it's just a job).
After the test, they will prescribe Difulcan, probably. It's one pink pill that will cure the yeast infection. That's it. It doesn't hurt or make you sick. You might want to get some anti-itch cream to apply to the outter areas to help ease the itch until the pill works.
Dispite all of this information, dear... talk to your mom. She should be able to give you some pointers and make you feel more comfortable about what your body is going to be going through pretty soon. Don't let your teenage hormones (which will come, if they already haven't) put a wall between your mom and yourself... she went through it all herself and she loves you... that's the best thing ever.
Good luck, sweetie!
Well your supposed to be 13 to be on here but i will answer anyway, Its called vaginal discharge, no its not your period, it can happen usually around 13, its early to have it at 9 or 10, and dont worry about stuff like this yet, and it should be clear to totally white, if its green, brown, or cottage cheese like you have an infection.
just normal stuff
no what your are experiencing generally happens 1 yr or 2 before you get your period it is totally normal
Help on actually looking my age? Dealing with old perverts?
Ok so I am 15. People tell me that I look a lot older, like around 18-20. I was at the park today and some older man was looking at me very innappropriatley. I said "EXCUSE ME!" But I live in an area where the dominant language is Spanish, so I don't think he understood me and didn't stop. It makes me very angry. It also happened again later that day at the playground area when I was with my little brother. I thought that I would be safe there since there is usually only parents there but apparently not. I got somewhat harrassed again and I had to take out my cell phone, threatening him I was serious about making him leave me alone. I had to tell him in Spanish that I am 15 and he is what, 52? Then he backed off. I mean I dress like the teenager I am! All that I was wearing was a blue polkadot tank, shorts, and flip flops. I even have a little bit of acne. I feel this is enough to represent my adolesence but apparently not! I want older men to leave me alone before I lose it! Help?
I have the exact same problem, and I fully sympathise with you. I hate being repeatedly whistled at and leered at by much older guys. I'm 17 and look about 20.
I dress well and conservatively, but still young.
Just take it in your stride, hang around with young looking people or other guys your age and be alert.
Good luck!
Honestly, there's probably not much you can do. Have you seen the Dateline's "To Catch A Predator" shows? All those girls pose as 13-15 year olds, even send the guys pictures of themselves looking like 13-15 years olds and these guys STILL show up at these houses! You just have to be careful. There are pedophiles out there everywhere!
I know how you feel. But some people like you said; are just perverts. They get a rush out of looking and starring at young women. If they're not doing anything to you then just ignore them. But it's another story if they're trying to touch you, or use you inappropriately.
Eyes are for looking.
Hands are for touching... when the other person wants them to.
If you feel that someone is really stalking you, feel free to call the police as they will help you with your problem.
You could also go out with guy friends so they feel threatened by a male presence.
All I can say is Good Luck and I know how you're feeling.
P.S. Pepper Spray!!
I have the exact same problem, and I fully sympathise with you. I hate being repeatedly whistled at and leered at by much older guys. I'm 17 and look about 20.
I dress well and conservatively, but still young.
Just take it in your stride, hang around with young looking people or other guys your age and be alert.
Good luck!
Honestly, there's probably not much you can do. Have you seen the Dateline's "To Catch A Predator" shows? All those girls pose as 13-15 year olds, even send the guys pictures of themselves looking like 13-15 years olds and these guys STILL show up at these houses! You just have to be careful. There are pedophiles out there everywhere!
I know how you feel. But some people like you said; are just perverts. They get a rush out of looking and starring at young women. If they're not doing anything to you then just ignore them. But it's another story if they're trying to touch you, or use you inappropriately.
Eyes are for looking.
Hands are for touching... when the other person wants them to.
If you feel that someone is really stalking you, feel free to call the police as they will help you with your problem.
You could also go out with guy friends so they feel threatened by a male presence.
All I can say is Good Luck and I know how you're feeling.
P.S. Pepper Spray!!
Help my GP can't find my coil!?
I had a coil fitted 6 weeks ago for heavy periods. At my 1st check up my GP can't locate the threads and I'm due a scan shortly.
My GP thinks the coil is still there and has suggested trying to pull the threads down using some sort of contraption. This sounds horrifying to me. Has anyone had this done?
This is not a rare problem. The device he is talking about is a thin plastic coil retrieval hook. It is designed specifically for this purpose. The procedure is quick, easy and less traumatic than coil insertion, so don't worry even if he has to do this. It is not as bad as it sounds.
My sister is on the coil; but just a warning, my brothers missus had a baby whilst using the coil too..
It's no big deal.
Most likely, the strings are just curled up in the cervix, out of reach.
The device he's referring to has a spiral wire on the end of it. It is smaller than the cytobrush that is used in pap smears. He will put it in the cervix and turn it. It will catch the string and pull it down.
The other possibilities are that
1. you expelled it without knowing it
2. it managed to migrate up where even the strings are out of reach. It could require some minor surgery to retrieve it.
(this is the least likely possibility)
Don't worry until you have all the information. It will probably be easily resolved.
You should really go to a gynocologist and now a GP for this. If he isn't experienced in this, you sure don't want him doing some damage by yanking it out if it has slipped. Cancel your appointment with the GP and make one with a specialist.
had same problem, but wasn't offered this, had to go to hospital to have a scan to see it it was still there, thank goodness it was, and i was found to have an introverted womb, which makes coil checking difficult.
hi hun this ahppened to me bout 4 yrs bak after continuiosly bleeding for ayr the doctor checked my coil strings to no evail could she find them i had dialating rods inserted and still couldnt find them she sent me for ascan and the coil was in place so next refearal was to see the doctor who add removed bad cells te yr before .he was trying for 1hr to find the strings this might sound weird but true i had add bad cells and they took away the opening of the cervix the yr before due to this he replaced my coil on the same day i thorght all would be ok but this reocurring bleeding
well bak to the doctor finding my strings
apparantly what had append was when he removed the cervix wen it had grown back the cervix grew round my coil and there wsnt much of an opening well to be precise there was pin hole and were the neck of the womb shoould have been there was no opening off too the left was this lil pin hole and he had to cut me to take the coil out and this was why i blead for ayr as the blod had been weling up and was trickeling gradually instaed of having aseven day period since the op i have been but took 2 hours in all and had no ansthetic either was in quiet abit of pain but i am totally fine now hope this hasnt happend to you but i thing yr strings may have just curled up hun but if yr worried make sure yr doc sends u to a genocologist
My GP thinks the coil is still there and has suggested trying to pull the threads down using some sort of contraption. This sounds horrifying to me. Has anyone had this done?
This is not a rare problem. The device he is talking about is a thin plastic coil retrieval hook. It is designed specifically for this purpose. The procedure is quick, easy and less traumatic than coil insertion, so don't worry even if he has to do this. It is not as bad as it sounds.
My sister is on the coil; but just a warning, my brothers missus had a baby whilst using the coil too..
It's no big deal.
Most likely, the strings are just curled up in the cervix, out of reach.
The device he's referring to has a spiral wire on the end of it. It is smaller than the cytobrush that is used in pap smears. He will put it in the cervix and turn it. It will catch the string and pull it down.
The other possibilities are that
1. you expelled it without knowing it
2. it managed to migrate up where even the strings are out of reach. It could require some minor surgery to retrieve it.
(this is the least likely possibility)
Don't worry until you have all the information. It will probably be easily resolved.
You should really go to a gynocologist and now a GP for this. If he isn't experienced in this, you sure don't want him doing some damage by yanking it out if it has slipped. Cancel your appointment with the GP and make one with a specialist.
had same problem, but wasn't offered this, had to go to hospital to have a scan to see it it was still there, thank goodness it was, and i was found to have an introverted womb, which makes coil checking difficult.
hi hun this ahppened to me bout 4 yrs bak after continuiosly bleeding for ayr the doctor checked my coil strings to no evail could she find them i had dialating rods inserted and still couldnt find them she sent me for ascan and the coil was in place so next refearal was to see the doctor who add removed bad cells te yr before .he was trying for 1hr to find the strings this might sound weird but true i had add bad cells and they took away the opening of the cervix the yr before due to this he replaced my coil on the same day i thorght all would be ok but this reocurring bleeding
well bak to the doctor finding my strings
apparantly what had append was when he removed the cervix wen it had grown back the cervix grew round my coil and there wsnt much of an opening well to be precise there was pin hole and were the neck of the womb shoould have been there was no opening off too the left was this lil pin hole and he had to cut me to take the coil out and this was why i blead for ayr as the blod had been weling up and was trickeling gradually instaed of having aseven day period since the op i have been but took 2 hours in all and had no ansthetic either was in quiet abit of pain but i am totally fine now hope this hasnt happend to you but i thing yr strings may have just curled up hun but if yr worried make sure yr doc sends u to a genocologist
Help my friend!!?
her head feels tight and she has been passing out a few times over the last few days and feeling very out of it! what could this mean and what should she do! she is waiting to see if it goes away in a few days if not shes going to the doctor i was just wondering if anyone could help her please she is 18
She should see a doctor now..
She needs to go to the doctor as fast as she can. It can be anything from poor iron count to a tumor.
well she really needs to go to the doctor but drinking lots of water may also help she may just be dehydrated
I would tell her mom and take her to the dr really quick because it could be some thing really bad! I dont know what it is? but the dr could find out and its better to be safe then sorry!
Oh please have go to the doctor! When I was in 5th grade on of my classmates was having problems and one of the veins in his brain broke and he ended up dying. It could be internal bleeding, tumors, she may be having mini strokes or something leading up to a stroke Im guessing. Taking tylenol or getting extra sleep wont help either, I dont think anything will unless you go to a doctor. It may be nothing too, maybe she's just got a little temporary sickness but I would say that you should definately get it checked out. She's only 18, and if its serious she has alot more living to do. I think that my friend was 11 when he died and it was just so sad. Until you take her in be sure to watch her carefully especially if she is doing any physical activity like running. And also be sure that she is eating a balanced diet and drinking enough because that may be a factor in it as well. Both of you take care!
go to the doctor now
She needs to go to the doctor..
THe only person who can help her is a doctor.
She should see a doctor now..
She needs to go to the doctor as fast as she can. It can be anything from poor iron count to a tumor.
well she really needs to go to the doctor but drinking lots of water may also help she may just be dehydrated
I would tell her mom and take her to the dr really quick because it could be some thing really bad! I dont know what it is? but the dr could find out and its better to be safe then sorry!
Oh please have go to the doctor! When I was in 5th grade on of my classmates was having problems and one of the veins in his brain broke and he ended up dying. It could be internal bleeding, tumors, she may be having mini strokes or something leading up to a stroke Im guessing. Taking tylenol or getting extra sleep wont help either, I dont think anything will unless you go to a doctor. It may be nothing too, maybe she's just got a little temporary sickness but I would say that you should definately get it checked out. She's only 18, and if its serious she has alot more living to do. I think that my friend was 11 when he died and it was just so sad. Until you take her in be sure to watch her carefully especially if she is doing any physical activity like running. And also be sure that she is eating a balanced diet and drinking enough because that may be a factor in it as well. Both of you take care!
go to the doctor now
She needs to go to the doctor..
THe only person who can help her is a doctor.
Help my boobs? lol.?
Well, im 13 and all my close friends have bigger boobs than me and i feel left out, and insecure at that...
Can you help me find a way to incease my size?
Without pills or surgey. lol thanks.
just wait ill they grow boobs grow untill your 21 i believe...and really small boobs arent that big fo a deal
theres no way without sergury, yours will get there
you look cute, i wouldnt worry about it. Most guys like a nice *** more anyways.
theyre still growing dollface.
dont worry about it.
all my friends have big boobs,
but i consider myself normal [34B].
a lot of people dont stop growing and maturing until theyre in their twenties!! i know it sounds crazy but its true!
Time, time, time!!!
Your not done growing,,be patient.Besides,,Im happy not to be so big,,imagine lugging all that around everyday,,lol.
Studies actually show that late bloomers will indeed have larger boobs than peers of their own age.it just takes time, you'll get there.
i'm 15. and mine are really, really small.
There's no way to make your boobs grow.. A girl stops growing two years after she gets her period plus you're 13 you've got a little while til you actually need big boobs lol.
your 13, some people mature slower then others.. relax your time will come...
You're only 13 so you got a lot of growing to do. Even if you don't get much bigger, a lot of guys (myself included) prefer smaller boobs. So, if that's what you're worried about, just let it go and have fun! You're perfect just the way you are.
Im not sure what size you are but I'm 17 yrs old and I am in a size 36 D, I use to have the same problem with all my friends but just Try using a Push-Up Bra; it lifts them up a little.
well u obviousley seem left out of group, huh? already happened 2 me...
all u do is drink milk... if not see if u can pass sum lotion... it basically helps u it like swells it up and sooner or later... you feel welcome in the group!! :P
well u can go for cream here in our country there is ratan`s cream 4 this just make sure which is available in storess near u and ya u can also go for boobs inflation pumps. best of luck
for further rference plz give ur idor ph no.
You are pretty, small boobs are not a serious problem.
There is no serious method to grow your boobs without surgery. But if you want to try unproven methods, I have heard hipnosis may help to grow a few inches.
Well amy if your yahoo avatar picture is you dont worry about it because you look pretty hot boob size doesnt really matter...as long a the girls face looks good in this case urs does
big boobs are overrated...if you are fit, feel good about yourself...besides, your boobs will grow for at least 10 more years...if you feel skinny now, REJOICE: you will fill out nicely over time, and be attractive your whole life...girls who are curvy at a young age tend to spend their adult life battling with their weight and gravity...sounds like you are the lucky one...
show me ur boobs and i help!
show me a pic of you (not necessarly naked) :)
ize dooesnt matter, if anything it is the face that matters, plus you still got some growing to do
ok well its me again this sayin i heard if a guy plays with them then they will grow and its true so thats the only thing i can think of but yea give me a call or write me back it dont really matter well later......
Can you help me find a way to incease my size?
Without pills or surgey. lol thanks.
just wait ill they grow boobs grow untill your 21 i believe...and really small boobs arent that big fo a deal
theres no way without sergury, yours will get there
you look cute, i wouldnt worry about it. Most guys like a nice *** more anyways.
theyre still growing dollface.
dont worry about it.
all my friends have big boobs,
but i consider myself normal [34B].
a lot of people dont stop growing and maturing until theyre in their twenties!! i know it sounds crazy but its true!
Time, time, time!!!
Your not done growing,,be patient.Besides,,Im happy not to be so big,,imagine lugging all that around everyday,,lol.
Studies actually show that late bloomers will indeed have larger boobs than peers of their own age.it just takes time, you'll get there.
i'm 15. and mine are really, really small.
There's no way to make your boobs grow.. A girl stops growing two years after she gets her period plus you're 13 you've got a little while til you actually need big boobs lol.
your 13, some people mature slower then others.. relax your time will come...
You're only 13 so you got a lot of growing to do. Even if you don't get much bigger, a lot of guys (myself included) prefer smaller boobs. So, if that's what you're worried about, just let it go and have fun! You're perfect just the way you are.
Im not sure what size you are but I'm 17 yrs old and I am in a size 36 D, I use to have the same problem with all my friends but just Try using a Push-Up Bra; it lifts them up a little.
well u obviousley seem left out of group, huh? already happened 2 me...
all u do is drink milk... if not see if u can pass sum lotion... it basically helps u it like swells it up and sooner or later... you feel welcome in the group!! :P
well u can go for cream here in our country there is ratan`s cream 4 this just make sure which is available in storess near u and ya u can also go for boobs inflation pumps. best of luck
for further rference plz give ur idor ph no.
You are pretty, small boobs are not a serious problem.
There is no serious method to grow your boobs without surgery. But if you want to try unproven methods, I have heard hipnosis may help to grow a few inches.
Well amy if your yahoo avatar picture is you dont worry about it because you look pretty hot boob size doesnt really matter...as long a the girls face looks good in this case urs does
big boobs are overrated...if you are fit, feel good about yourself...besides, your boobs will grow for at least 10 more years...if you feel skinny now, REJOICE: you will fill out nicely over time, and be attractive your whole life...girls who are curvy at a young age tend to spend their adult life battling with their weight and gravity...sounds like you are the lucky one...
show me ur boobs and i help!
show me a pic of you (not necessarly naked) :)
ize dooesnt matter, if anything it is the face that matters, plus you still got some growing to do
ok well its me again this sayin i heard if a guy plays with them then they will grow and its true so thats the only thing i can think of but yea give me a call or write me back it dont really matter well later......
Help me???
hey i need alot of help of u know that lil bit of hair bside ur ear (girls) well my razor fell and like cut some off and now its messed wat should i do??..i gotta lose weight how??..my breasts arent that perky they like sag down abit and r kinda bid how do i make them smaller??.mustache i have like a girl mustache i shaved it once and now i wana wax it but i dont wana tell my mom plz helpp??
First lol i would do a hairstyle to hide where your hair may have gotten cut off and lol well if your boobs r like big or what you said then i dunno bout that wear a bra and about a mustache dont shave it take tweezers and pull the hairs out because tweezers take all of the hair out but if you shave it it only cuts the hair popping out of the skin
well, for the hair you shaved off. why not do the same to the other side to make it look normal? or if that would look weird, just part your hair to the side more so that you have hair covering the shaved part (if you have long enough hair that is).
and about the mostache. if you want to wax it you dont have to go to a place to get it done... you can buy a wax kit and do it yourself, so as long as you can somehow get to a store and buy the kit yourself you mom will never have to know!
First lol i would do a hairstyle to hide where your hair may have gotten cut off and lol well if your boobs r like big or what you said then i dunno bout that wear a bra and about a mustache dont shave it take tweezers and pull the hairs out because tweezers take all of the hair out but if you shave it it only cuts the hair popping out of the skin
well, for the hair you shaved off. why not do the same to the other side to make it look normal? or if that would look weird, just part your hair to the side more so that you have hair covering the shaved part (if you have long enough hair that is).
and about the mostache. if you want to wax it you dont have to go to a place to get it done... you can buy a wax kit and do it yourself, so as long as you can somehow get to a store and buy the kit yourself you mom will never have to know!
Help me!?!? Please!?
I dont know if this question should be in this section but oh well. I'm not fat but I have extra fat on my neck and face. How do I get rid of that extra fat?!
You're 13, so you have what is sometimes called "baby fat". Once you get into full puberty, and start growing up more that will start to go away.
But there isn't a lot you can do to get rid of fat on the face and neck, there aren't a lot of large muscles in that area you can work.
A good diet (no junk food or sugar, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables) and regular exercise should help speed things up.
you need to lose weight in general. when a person loses weight, they lose weight from all the areas of their body. change your diet and start exercising. good luck to you.
go to your doctor. they recommend another. its a process. they have different wayz of doing it. they can zap it or cut it out. VERY gross(cuttin)
First, before this can be truly answered, we need to know your age. If you are younger, then the most likely answer is that you will grow out of it. If you older and your physical properties have matured, then the answer is to lose the fat through liposuction. However, I do not personally recommend this procedure, especial in and around the face.
It may be that you need to lose further weight and that you're structured to gain weight in those areas, however if that does not work then there is no way to get rid of it naturally as it is deep set fat which is due to your genes. The only way is through surgery.
U said u r not fat. I don't know how much u weigh, but it seems u will be ok when u grow and put on some weight, then all will be in proportion. Good luck!
Well my cousin sounds like you did and she excersized about 3-4 times a week and it all dissapeared after about 2 months i think , she didnt have much but i dont know about you. She is 13 also. So just eat healthy and continue working out
You're 13, so you have what is sometimes called "baby fat". Once you get into full puberty, and start growing up more that will start to go away.
But there isn't a lot you can do to get rid of fat on the face and neck, there aren't a lot of large muscles in that area you can work.
A good diet (no junk food or sugar, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables) and regular exercise should help speed things up.
you need to lose weight in general. when a person loses weight, they lose weight from all the areas of their body. change your diet and start exercising. good luck to you.
go to your doctor. they recommend another. its a process. they have different wayz of doing it. they can zap it or cut it out. VERY gross(cuttin)
First, before this can be truly answered, we need to know your age. If you are younger, then the most likely answer is that you will grow out of it. If you older and your physical properties have matured, then the answer is to lose the fat through liposuction. However, I do not personally recommend this procedure, especial in and around the face.
It may be that you need to lose further weight and that you're structured to gain weight in those areas, however if that does not work then there is no way to get rid of it naturally as it is deep set fat which is due to your genes. The only way is through surgery.
U said u r not fat. I don't know how much u weigh, but it seems u will be ok when u grow and put on some weight, then all will be in proportion. Good luck!
Well my cousin sounds like you did and she excersized about 3-4 times a week and it all dissapeared after about 2 months i think , she didnt have much but i dont know about you. She is 13 also. So just eat healthy and continue working out
Help Me!!!!!!?
I don't care if its healthy or not, I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!! I'm 25 lb above avearge!! I haven't started puberty yet! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! I want to loose 20-30 lbs by August
You probably hate to hear this but UP the activity. Not only do you burn more calories while doing it muscles burn more fat %26 calories even while resting.
It's summer so start focusing on fresh fruit %26 veggies. Any fat you do eat grill it or at minimum drain the fat on a paper towel. Switch from potato chips to pretzels and make you some jello pudding pops with skim milk %26 sugar free jello pudding %26 freeze them. They make great fudgesickles for a sweet treat that feels like cheating but isn't.
Instead of butter %26 jam on toast use just the jam. Make poached or soft boiled eggs instead of fried. You don't have to get drastic. Just make smarter choices.
Instead of spahetti sauce used diced tomatoes.
In one summer I lost 50 lbs. doing exercise %26 eating like this %26 it looked like I lost alot more because of firming up my muscles. The only exercise I did was walking, bicycling, tennis %26 swimming. Things I enjoyed anyway.
I won't say you'll lose that much in 6 wks. but with the muscles firmed up you'll look it. Good luck!
I was the same way. when you hit that stage in your life you will lose the baby fat. I did.
Portion control and exercise. Key to dieting. Tricks don't work.
Also, I would suggest you shoot for a more realistic 15-20lbs
join Curves
You need to do cardio and eat healthy. You have plenty of time to get into shape by August if you do this everyday.
Good luck!
BTW - this worked for me in 2 months!
If I tell you how to do it, people here will get upset because my way of losing weight is very anorexic like.
Since you're too young, I won't tell.
You will lose and stay healthy.
Run a lot, Cut down on sugary food. Drink tons of water. Do crunches too. Running will cut down fat extremely and then cutting down on sugary food will help you lose that fat that comes from unused energy. Stop drinking soda and switch to water and you will be amazed. Crunches will cut your waist down and help you lose even more weight. Hit the gym :)
how ald are you? keep a daily routine, walk for a couple hours-dont drag a** either just keep a steady pace. jog a little bit. do sit ups and watch your food intake
Stop looking at the number on the scale. Exercise once a day if you are serious and cut out all sugar and most of the carbs you eat. Fill up on fruits and vegetables, and some protein. Figure out what your percent body fat is and work with that. You don't want to lose 20-30 pounds, you want to gain muscle and lose fat. This about it positively and it will be easier to manage.
omg why? just do it the safe way, eat healthy and run a lot. trust me its not fun to just stop eating. it makes things worse.
Join a sports team, or a gym or anything. You're young and you obviously have irresponsible parents so be proactive. Be an active participant in your own life.
dont pig out on snacks, candy, ice cream, ect. ONLY HEALTHY FOODS! and exercise and run around a lot
That is the same exact thing I want to do! I have been walking a little bit under 5 miles a day. 2 miles in the morning,1 mile @ about 7:00pm. and the same 2 miles at 8:30. I have been seeing a little bit of results but I think It will work! GOOD LUCK!
Perhaps you are about to start puberty...not sure of your age, but alot of girls have something called "puppy fat" and that usually sheds as you get closer to your late teens early 20's. Try taking a dance class, or power walking. Start drinking a glass of grapefruit juice twice a day.it has enzymes that speed up metabolism. Eat healthy foods, and try to eat at the same time every day.
Every Morning and Every night warm up some water squeeze half of lemon in the water and throw in the wedge. This helps to suck up your water weight guaranteed to loose weight fast. Also stick to a good diet NO JUNK FOOD, no SODA, and very little starches and work out 4 times a week Mon-Thurs. maybe. Alternate one day of cardio, one day of weight training then cardion then weight training mix it up YOGA is your best friend works every single muscle. Hope this helps
Exercise and a sensible diet. If it is white, or has ever been white, don't eat it. Avoid also dense foods like butterbeans and corn. Drink only water. No diet drinks, no juice, lots and lots of water.One day a week treat yourself to ONE food you have been avoiding (pizza, potato, bread, ice cream, whatever).
Start slow, if you drink a lot of soda cut it back by half. Same for other junk food like chips and candy. it may not seem like a lot but you will get results without dropping everything and ending up overeating. Excercise helps to, start going for a walk or a run in the mornings to start your day with a high matabolisem. Before doing this eat a light breakfast. Also, drink alot of water. Water helps you keep hydrated and keeps you full for longer. It also keeps you from drinking soda. Start small, and good things will come your way.
Many kids "chunk up" some before puberty. Eat healthy and only when hungry and get some exercise. Don't be too hard on yourself - you can do it
First of all ur a little to young to worry about a few eztra pounds! but if ur really keen on it, try eating healthy. To name a few, whole wheat breads,pastas,toasted tomatoe sandwich`s,no butter or mayo,cucumber,lettuce,low cal stuff. Cut out all dairy foods,sugar.Theres endless healthy foods to eat and drink if u just think about it. Like baked potatoes? Low calories if u just put salt and pepper on them, use ur imagination, and don`t forget u need to exercise too,even if it`s just going for a fast walk twice a day, maybe 10 to 20 mins at a time.
Your body is storing fat to help it get through puberty. Unless you have a medical problem, you will lose some of that weight naturally. If it will help your peace of mind, please see a physician and tell him/her you are concerned about your weight. If you do indeed have a medical problem, the physician will help you.
eat 5 small meals each day instead of 3 large meals..
this means regular breakfast, lunch and dinner then two snacks in between(something healthy like carrots or a banana)..
skip dessert you might crave something but then think about it, it will be gone in about 2 minutes when you finsih it.. and you will have wished you didnt gain that extra weight because it doesnt matter in the end..
You probably hate to hear this but UP the activity. Not only do you burn more calories while doing it muscles burn more fat %26 calories even while resting.
It's summer so start focusing on fresh fruit %26 veggies. Any fat you do eat grill it or at minimum drain the fat on a paper towel. Switch from potato chips to pretzels and make you some jello pudding pops with skim milk %26 sugar free jello pudding %26 freeze them. They make great fudgesickles for a sweet treat that feels like cheating but isn't.
Instead of butter %26 jam on toast use just the jam. Make poached or soft boiled eggs instead of fried. You don't have to get drastic. Just make smarter choices.
Instead of spahetti sauce used diced tomatoes.
In one summer I lost 50 lbs. doing exercise %26 eating like this %26 it looked like I lost alot more because of firming up my muscles. The only exercise I did was walking, bicycling, tennis %26 swimming. Things I enjoyed anyway.
I won't say you'll lose that much in 6 wks. but with the muscles firmed up you'll look it. Good luck!
I was the same way. when you hit that stage in your life you will lose the baby fat. I did.
Portion control and exercise. Key to dieting. Tricks don't work.
Also, I would suggest you shoot for a more realistic 15-20lbs
join Curves
You need to do cardio and eat healthy. You have plenty of time to get into shape by August if you do this everyday.
Good luck!
BTW - this worked for me in 2 months!
If I tell you how to do it, people here will get upset because my way of losing weight is very anorexic like.
Since you're too young, I won't tell.
You will lose and stay healthy.
Run a lot, Cut down on sugary food. Drink tons of water. Do crunches too. Running will cut down fat extremely and then cutting down on sugary food will help you lose that fat that comes from unused energy. Stop drinking soda and switch to water and you will be amazed. Crunches will cut your waist down and help you lose even more weight. Hit the gym :)
how ald are you? keep a daily routine, walk for a couple hours-dont drag a** either just keep a steady pace. jog a little bit. do sit ups and watch your food intake
Stop looking at the number on the scale. Exercise once a day if you are serious and cut out all sugar and most of the carbs you eat. Fill up on fruits and vegetables, and some protein. Figure out what your percent body fat is and work with that. You don't want to lose 20-30 pounds, you want to gain muscle and lose fat. This about it positively and it will be easier to manage.
omg why? just do it the safe way, eat healthy and run a lot. trust me its not fun to just stop eating. it makes things worse.
Join a sports team, or a gym or anything. You're young and you obviously have irresponsible parents so be proactive. Be an active participant in your own life.
dont pig out on snacks, candy, ice cream, ect. ONLY HEALTHY FOODS! and exercise and run around a lot
That is the same exact thing I want to do! I have been walking a little bit under 5 miles a day. 2 miles in the morning,1 mile @ about 7:00pm. and the same 2 miles at 8:30. I have been seeing a little bit of results but I think It will work! GOOD LUCK!
Perhaps you are about to start puberty...not sure of your age, but alot of girls have something called "puppy fat" and that usually sheds as you get closer to your late teens early 20's. Try taking a dance class, or power walking. Start drinking a glass of grapefruit juice twice a day.it has enzymes that speed up metabolism. Eat healthy foods, and try to eat at the same time every day.
Every Morning and Every night warm up some water squeeze half of lemon in the water and throw in the wedge. This helps to suck up your water weight guaranteed to loose weight fast. Also stick to a good diet NO JUNK FOOD, no SODA, and very little starches and work out 4 times a week Mon-Thurs. maybe. Alternate one day of cardio, one day of weight training then cardion then weight training mix it up YOGA is your best friend works every single muscle. Hope this helps
Exercise and a sensible diet. If it is white, or has ever been white, don't eat it. Avoid also dense foods like butterbeans and corn. Drink only water. No diet drinks, no juice, lots and lots of water.One day a week treat yourself to ONE food you have been avoiding (pizza, potato, bread, ice cream, whatever).
Start slow, if you drink a lot of soda cut it back by half. Same for other junk food like chips and candy. it may not seem like a lot but you will get results without dropping everything and ending up overeating. Excercise helps to, start going for a walk or a run in the mornings to start your day with a high matabolisem. Before doing this eat a light breakfast. Also, drink alot of water. Water helps you keep hydrated and keeps you full for longer. It also keeps you from drinking soda. Start small, and good things will come your way.
Many kids "chunk up" some before puberty. Eat healthy and only when hungry and get some exercise. Don't be too hard on yourself - you can do it
First of all ur a little to young to worry about a few eztra pounds! but if ur really keen on it, try eating healthy. To name a few, whole wheat breads,pastas,toasted tomatoe sandwich`s,no butter or mayo,cucumber,lettuce,low cal stuff. Cut out all dairy foods,sugar.Theres endless healthy foods to eat and drink if u just think about it. Like baked potatoes? Low calories if u just put salt and pepper on them, use ur imagination, and don`t forget u need to exercise too,even if it`s just going for a fast walk twice a day, maybe 10 to 20 mins at a time.
Your body is storing fat to help it get through puberty. Unless you have a medical problem, you will lose some of that weight naturally. If it will help your peace of mind, please see a physician and tell him/her you are concerned about your weight. If you do indeed have a medical problem, the physician will help you.
eat 5 small meals each day instead of 3 large meals..
this means regular breakfast, lunch and dinner then two snacks in between(something healthy like carrots or a banana)..
skip dessert you might crave something but then think about it, it will be gone in about 2 minutes when you finsih it.. and you will have wished you didnt gain that extra weight because it doesnt matter in the end..
Help me!!!!!!!?
How can I get tampons without having to go to a store or like idk how to put this... I dont want to ask my mom to buy tampons for me im way to scared and im dont know how or when I could get some for myself help
go with a friend who understands or a closefriend who you talk to about bras and perios ETC she can calm you down or just ask an out going i dont care kinda friend to go with you or if not that your just gonna have to ask your mother you will need to turn to your mother for alot of things you shouldnt be embarassed
just talk to your mom about it. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. All women go through it...I'm sure she'll be more understanding than you think.
Well if you were like my sisters you would have your older brother get them for you. That was always fun! :-P
how old are you? probably young. just got your period? thats why you're shy. well don't be. maybe you should get a job so you wouldn't have to ask your mom.
Um... you have to go to the store...you mom may have to!
You can always go to a pharmacy and take it to the pharmacy counter to buy - they see all kinds of stuff, they don't care.
Internet ordering is the only other alternative. Otherwise you are SOL.
Some public women's restrooms have a machine on the wall where you can buy a single one for a quarter or two.
go buy them yourself.
its so nerve wracking/embarrassing the 1st time, but who cares? You should talk to your mom %26 tell her that tampons are more comfortable for you, %26 you'd like to use those instead.
If you dont want to ask your mom to buy them for you then get some money if you have to get the money from her say its for something else like a new notebook, or whatever you think you can say to get her to give you the money, then which ever store is closest to you walk to if you cant drive yet which Im guessing you cant, and buy them. If you cant go by yourself then your going to have to ask your mother to get them for you. If your afraid shes going to ask why you want to use tampons, or something like that just tell her you dont like how messy the pads are, and feel, and you want to try them to see if you like them better plus its getting hot out, and you want to be able to go swimming. Its not that hard to talk to you mom about it. I thought my mom was going to freak out if I asked her about it.. and thats what I told her on why I wanted them, she was like I dont like them, but got them for me anyway.
You could ask a girl friend - or just suck it up and go to the store. (someone mentioned dispensers in women's bathrooms - that could work too.)
I know it's easier said than done - but try not to let it embarrass you, it's a normal thing that every female has to deal with.
go with a friend who understands or a closefriend who you talk to about bras and perios ETC she can calm you down or just ask an out going i dont care kinda friend to go with you or if not that your just gonna have to ask your mother you will need to turn to your mother for alot of things you shouldnt be embarassed
just talk to your mom about it. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. All women go through it...I'm sure she'll be more understanding than you think.
Well if you were like my sisters you would have your older brother get them for you. That was always fun! :-P
how old are you? probably young. just got your period? thats why you're shy. well don't be. maybe you should get a job so you wouldn't have to ask your mom.
Um... you have to go to the store...you mom may have to!
You can always go to a pharmacy and take it to the pharmacy counter to buy - they see all kinds of stuff, they don't care.
Internet ordering is the only other alternative. Otherwise you are SOL.
Some public women's restrooms have a machine on the wall where you can buy a single one for a quarter or two.
go buy them yourself.
its so nerve wracking/embarrassing the 1st time, but who cares? You should talk to your mom %26 tell her that tampons are more comfortable for you, %26 you'd like to use those instead.
If you dont want to ask your mom to buy them for you then get some money if you have to get the money from her say its for something else like a new notebook, or whatever you think you can say to get her to give you the money, then which ever store is closest to you walk to if you cant drive yet which Im guessing you cant, and buy them. If you cant go by yourself then your going to have to ask your mother to get them for you. If your afraid shes going to ask why you want to use tampons, or something like that just tell her you dont like how messy the pads are, and feel, and you want to try them to see if you like them better plus its getting hot out, and you want to be able to go swimming. Its not that hard to talk to you mom about it. I thought my mom was going to freak out if I asked her about it.. and thats what I told her on why I wanted them, she was like I dont like them, but got them for me anyway.
You could ask a girl friend - or just suck it up and go to the store. (someone mentioned dispensers in women's bathrooms - that could work too.)
I know it's easier said than done - but try not to let it embarrass you, it's a normal thing that every female has to deal with.
Help me with puberty!?
i just got my first period and i accidentaly put a tampon in my butt. is this ok? p.s. it felt kinda good. thanx.
No that is not ok...You didnt ask anyone to help you with that?
Right. I'm sorry to hear that you are so stupid. Maybe your parents should put you in a home.
What a dumb F**CK. That was really retarded.
All the other answers are REALLY harsh yes you should've asked some1 but you didn't just next time you ask your mom or a really good friend
No that is not ok...You didnt ask anyone to help you with that?
Right. I'm sorry to hear that you are so stupid. Maybe your parents should put you in a home.
What a dumb F**CK. That was really retarded.
All the other answers are REALLY harsh yes you should've asked some1 but you didn't just next time you ask your mom or a really good friend
Help me plz!!?
Ok well i have been having pains n my stomach..n i dont know why! i havent had my period over 2 months...N im cramping n getting really bad pains n my stomach...I know im not pregnant bec..im still a virgin but i jus need help...or something bec..i dont know whats rong! Las friday my stomach was hurting really bad..where i jus didnt wanna do anything..
your best thing is to a doctor and get yourself checked over to see what is causing that then you will know what to do for your stomach pains
Yes call a doctor you could have kindy stones or a infection call ASAP!!
your best thing is to a doctor and get yourself checked over to see what is causing that then you will know what to do for your stomach pains
Yes call a doctor you could have kindy stones or a infection call ASAP!!
Help me plz!!!?
OK here it is ... i had my 1st period EVER march 25..i havent had it since. i no FOR SURE im not preg. i mean the most iu have ever doen with a guy is give them a polite hug after like church or today at my graduation!! Well can someone tell me whats going on??
Sometimes when you first start your period, it is very irregular. When I first started I didn't have another one for 3 months. If you want them to regular then you would need to talk to your doc. about getting on birth control.
your body is regulating, it's nothing to worry about. I skipped the second month when I first started too.
It takes a while for your body to get your period regulated. Nothing is going on, you are fine and normal.
it's normal for periods to not have a regular cycle for the first 2 years. take it from someone who has experienced this before. don't worry it's perfectly normal.
your just late hun don't worry it happens to everyone if you don't have by the end of this month then see a doctor k but don't worry
It sounds like you may need to see your doctor. Irregular periods need to be monitored by a doctor.
It will probably take time before your body regulates your period...I don't think it is serious...but if you are concerned you should probably call your doctor.
It sounds perfectly normal to me. My period started when I was 11 and it would skip months or it would come twice in one month. That continued for about 5 or 6 years until I got on the pill. Now, I never have a problem with it. If yours continues to be irregular talk to your doctor because you don't want to suffer with it for years like I did.
Hunny.. relax.. you are perfectly normal. Periods are very irregular when you first get them. Its your body adjusting to becoming a women. It will take a few years (depending how old you are now) for it to regulate out.
It all a part of growing up. Just relax you are fine. Just keep a pad handy as you may get the next one unexpectedly
Sometimes when you first start your period, it is very irregular. When I first started I didn't have another one for 3 months. If you want them to regular then you would need to talk to your doc. about getting on birth control.
your body is regulating, it's nothing to worry about. I skipped the second month when I first started too.
It takes a while for your body to get your period regulated. Nothing is going on, you are fine and normal.
it's normal for periods to not have a regular cycle for the first 2 years. take it from someone who has experienced this before. don't worry it's perfectly normal.
your just late hun don't worry it happens to everyone if you don't have by the end of this month then see a doctor k but don't worry
It sounds like you may need to see your doctor. Irregular periods need to be monitored by a doctor.
It will probably take time before your body regulates your period...I don't think it is serious...but if you are concerned you should probably call your doctor.
It sounds perfectly normal to me. My period started when I was 11 and it would skip months or it would come twice in one month. That continued for about 5 or 6 years until I got on the pill. Now, I never have a problem with it. If yours continues to be irregular talk to your doctor because you don't want to suffer with it for years like I did.
Hunny.. relax.. you are perfectly normal. Periods are very irregular when you first get them. Its your body adjusting to becoming a women. It will take a few years (depending how old you are now) for it to regulate out.
It all a part of growing up. Just relax you are fine. Just keep a pad handy as you may get the next one unexpectedly
HELP ME please?
the past month ive had the following smyptoms: bloated feeling my stomach and a heartbeaty feeling in my stomach. having to pee and feeling gaseous. whats wrong with me?!
ur a woman... it just happens. (Nature hates us) JK
LOL are you menstrating
Try a pregnancy test.
There is nothing wrong with u. Are u having a Big Dream???
nothing wrong with you
Could be pregnant or menstrual cycle
Try a pregnancy test
Go to the doctor. maybe you have a bad case of food poisining or the stomach virus. are you on any medicine? im on zoloft and ik it gave me like a pulsey feeling in my stomach. kind of like my stomach had a heart beat.
ur a woman... it just happens. (Nature hates us) JK
LOL are you menstrating
Try a pregnancy test.
There is nothing wrong with u. Are u having a Big Dream???
nothing wrong with you
Could be pregnant or menstrual cycle
Try a pregnancy test
Go to the doctor. maybe you have a bad case of food poisining or the stomach virus. are you on any medicine? im on zoloft and ik it gave me like a pulsey feeling in my stomach. kind of like my stomach had a heart beat.
Help me please?
I just wanted to know if its normal for someone to feel like really hot and when they touch their cheeks its like semi-warm and thay drink ALOT of water because thay say theyre really thirsty and have been going to the bathroom to pee like non-stop? because this is happening to me and i dont know what is happening to me. im not going through menopause... lol
and i dont think i have a fever... but i am getting some headaches, feeling light headed, and i got a really bad like crippling stomach ache this morning.
Could be diabetes. Go see a doctor and pay attention to how eating certain things make you feel.
Are you on your period and are using tampons? Could be TSS...if so use pads and take a bath and relax.
Sorry to tell you this sweet, but diabetes is like having a heart problem, and cancer, etc...it has nothing what so ever to do with age. Just because you are just 13 does not mean a thing. Illnesses strike anybody at any age. And that also includes menopause, although that is not likely. But anything can strike at any age. I'm not saying any of this to scare you, just stating the facts.
no matter what your age you could have diabetes
and i dont think i have a fever... but i am getting some headaches, feeling light headed, and i got a really bad like crippling stomach ache this morning.
Could be diabetes. Go see a doctor and pay attention to how eating certain things make you feel.
Are you on your period and are using tampons? Could be TSS...if so use pads and take a bath and relax.
Sorry to tell you this sweet, but diabetes is like having a heart problem, and cancer, etc...it has nothing what so ever to do with age. Just because you are just 13 does not mean a thing. Illnesses strike anybody at any age. And that also includes menopause, although that is not likely. But anything can strike at any age. I'm not saying any of this to scare you, just stating the facts.
no matter what your age you could have diabetes
Help me please?
ok for the past couple months i have been running on the tredmill and doing situps every day and i was doing it all for my class trip which is this coming saturday june 2nd. And i was wondering if there were any quick ways to look thinner and a little more muscular, thanks!! if it helps im 5'7 and 125 pounds.
You don't need to lose any weight. But, standing up straight will help you look thinner.
you are underwight for your height. so i wouldnt worry about losing any more weight
At 5'7" and 125 lbs you are already very thin. Stop obsessing about your weight and go have fun. You already look great.
Ideal weight range for women your height is:
5' 7" 121-159
You don't need to lose any weight. But, standing up straight will help you look thinner.
you are underwight for your height. so i wouldnt worry about losing any more weight
At 5'7" and 125 lbs you are already very thin. Stop obsessing about your weight and go have fun. You already look great.
Ideal weight range for women your height is:
5' 7" 121-159
Help me please?
do i or am i neer my period if i have discharge? and what do i do?? i need answers fast thanx
yep !! and you just wait ! wear a pantliner to stop the discharge getting on your underwear ! good luck
if ur getting discharge ur probably near ur period!although, discharge can start up to 2 yrs before the time ur period starts. but for the discharge just wear a pantyliner so it doesnt get in ur underwear.
not necessarily. discharge could come from an infection as well.
yea that means its coming. you have to wait till it comes. buy pantyliners and pads or tampons.
It depends on what kind of discharge it is. If it's normal discharge, then it's probably your period coming on. If it's milky white or even clumpy like cottage cheese, it could be a yeast infection. If it's a greenish/yellowish color and has a foul odor, it could be a bacterial infection.
yep !! and you just wait ! wear a pantliner to stop the discharge getting on your underwear ! good luck
if ur getting discharge ur probably near ur period!although, discharge can start up to 2 yrs before the time ur period starts. but for the discharge just wear a pantyliner so it doesnt get in ur underwear.
not necessarily. discharge could come from an infection as well.
yea that means its coming. you have to wait till it comes. buy pantyliners and pads or tampons.
It depends on what kind of discharge it is. If it's normal discharge, then it's probably your period coming on. If it's milky white or even clumpy like cottage cheese, it could be a yeast infection. If it's a greenish/yellowish color and has a foul odor, it could be a bacterial infection.
Help me please...?
I had a miscarriage April 26th.That is when I started to bleed.And then I bled for about 2 weeks.Then it was done and over with.Then I started my period on the 30th and stopped bleeding on the 1st.My periods are about 7 days long.Is this normal after having a miscarriage??
it is normal, your next period will be ok , if not then consult to doctor
-It may be normal because of disorder activities of hormone or of the thinner of your endo- epithelium of the uterus
it is normal, your next period will be ok , if not then consult to doctor
-It may be normal because of disorder activities of hormone or of the thinner of your endo- epithelium of the uterus
Help me please!?
i discovered a scratch about an inch below my nibble and i dont know how it got there could it be breast cancer?
Breast cancer can't break through the skin.
Maybe you cut yourself while scratching an itch or something.
No, you do not have cancer.
scratch?? mm.. no but i wouldnt trust me idk
what is a nibble? you could of scratched yourself when you were sleeping.
Probably not, you probably brushed up against something that scratched you and you didn't feel it at that time. Breast cancer usually begins in the form of a bump inside the breast tissue that feels hard like a rock and doesn't move around easily. Skin cancer would be more of what you were concerned about, but I think it is just... a scratch.
Whats a nibble?
er i dont know if ur for real or not but i dont think ur in the right place here
Breast cancer can't break through the skin.
Maybe you cut yourself while scratching an itch or something.
No, you do not have cancer.
scratch?? mm.. no but i wouldnt trust me idk
what is a nibble? you could of scratched yourself when you were sleeping.
Probably not, you probably brushed up against something that scratched you and you didn't feel it at that time. Breast cancer usually begins in the form of a bump inside the breast tissue that feels hard like a rock and doesn't move around easily. Skin cancer would be more of what you were concerned about, but I think it is just... a scratch.
Whats a nibble?
er i dont know if ur for real or not but i dont think ur in the right place here
Help me please!?
tomorrow our school is taking a field trip to a waterpark. and i kinda have my period. what should i do? i dont use a tampon so dont tell me to use one. please help me, i want to enjoy my day in the water with my friends without worrying about it. any ideas?
thank you so much!
鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
Have your mom take you to the store and buy some tampons, you'll probably want a small size.
They come with instructions. Practice using them a few times, you'll get the hang of it...You won't feel a thing! Make sure to take a few with you on your trip.
And maybe take a couple ibuprofen for cramping, so you can enjoy your day.
good luck
periods just never seem to come at the right time nowadays.
U could use a non-absorbent pad. They make those things like almost everywhere even at Wall-Mart.They r a little pricey though.
The only thing I can suggest is using a tampon because that's your best bet without getting things messy. Granted, using a tampon would require you to change it at least once if you're in water for extended periods of time, so you'd just have to bring extras with you.
I know its not what you wanted to hear, but I don't know if you really have any other choice.
Sounds like you have a problem. You may not want to get into the water if you prefer not to use a tampon. The water may turn red if you use a regular pad. And also walking around with a wet pad could be very uncomfortable.
well if its a heavy flow there isnt much else to do!! if u were in the water the whole time then u could just take out your pad! even though u dont want 2 try or use tampons if u ever do try tampax pearl they arent as bad as u think!! thats all i use!
Unfortunately, using a tampon is about your only option, unless you feel comfortable enough without using anything. If your flow is light, you can probably get away with that. There is so much chlorine in the water, not to mention all the movement that no one would ever know.
Just don't stay out of the water too long, or you'll stain your suit.
i know this isnt what you want to hear but a tampon is pretty much your only choice
unless your flow is extreamly extreamly light
then just dont use anything
good luck
tomorrow our school is taking a field trip to a waterpark. and i kinda have my period. what should i do? i dont use a tampon so dont tell me to use one. please help me, i want to enjoy my day in the water with my friends without worrying about it. any ideas?
thank you so much!
鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
Have your mom take you to the store and buy some tampons, you'll probably want a small size.
They come with instructions. Practice using them a few times, you'll get the hang of it...You won't feel a thing! Make sure to take a few with you on your trip.
And maybe take a couple ibuprofen for cramping, so you can enjoy your day.
good luck
periods just never seem to come at the right time nowadays.
U could use a non-absorbent pad. They make those things like almost everywhere even at Wall-Mart.They r a little pricey though.
The only thing I can suggest is using a tampon because that's your best bet without getting things messy. Granted, using a tampon would require you to change it at least once if you're in water for extended periods of time, so you'd just have to bring extras with you.
I know its not what you wanted to hear, but I don't know if you really have any other choice.
Sounds like you have a problem. You may not want to get into the water if you prefer not to use a tampon. The water may turn red if you use a regular pad. And also walking around with a wet pad could be very uncomfortable.
well if its a heavy flow there isnt much else to do!! if u were in the water the whole time then u could just take out your pad! even though u dont want 2 try or use tampons if u ever do try tampax pearl they arent as bad as u think!! thats all i use!
Unfortunately, using a tampon is about your only option, unless you feel comfortable enough without using anything. If your flow is light, you can probably get away with that. There is so much chlorine in the water, not to mention all the movement that no one would ever know.
Just don't stay out of the water too long, or you'll stain your suit.
i know this isnt what you want to hear but a tampon is pretty much your only choice
unless your flow is extreamly extreamly light
then just dont use anything
good luck
Help me out!!?
I asked a question regarding how guys "fondled" womens breast, and the question was removed, BUT YET: someone asked a question about self relief and takin a crap and those were allowed...whats the difference and how did mine get optioned to be removed? will someone explain
ha i like to know that too.strange huh
ha i like to know that too.strange huh
Help me out here, if it isn't diabetes then what's wrong?!?
Why, when the weather gets warm, do my feet, lower legs and especially my ankles swell so much %26 so fast? I am, once again, at war with sugar (and apparently losing.) Several times I've been certain that I'm diabetic b/c a few relatives are and because of how strongly I react to sugar. It renders me non-functional in less than an hour. It's pitiful, and crazy-making.
But, once again I was recently tested after the "don't eat after midnight" restriction, and the results were normal. Yet, I'm looking at my ankles and feeling kind of alarmed at how much swelling there is, and how this time, unlike most, it's the next day and they continue to be swollen, though less so.
I'm 46-yr-old, maybe related to peri-menopause?? I also react strongly to the heat in general, within minutes of going outdoors I begin perspiring heavily, and it stops after 10-15 mins. However, when I go indoors, it happens all over again.
There are numerous possible diagnoses, but without lab data and a physical examination, everything would be speculation. Clearly, something is amiss. Whether it is a serious condition or something minor (like a dietary adjustment) can only be determined by your health care provider.
An isolated blood sugar test isn't a reliable indicator. Your doctor will order a test called an A1C that will provide information about your blood sugar levels over the preceding 3 months.
But there are other disorders that may be manifesting, so your smartest action would to be seen by a health care provider.
Edema ( water retention ) can be caused by many things...salt intake, kidney function, thyroid function, etc. etc. See your health professional to find the cause and treatment for this problem. Edema can cause health risks, such as high blood pressure.
I really would go to another doctor for a second opinion and a complete physical. I also reported Smitty. He has been making weird comments on the Women's Health board...
But, once again I was recently tested after the "don't eat after midnight" restriction, and the results were normal. Yet, I'm looking at my ankles and feeling kind of alarmed at how much swelling there is, and how this time, unlike most, it's the next day and they continue to be swollen, though less so.
I'm 46-yr-old, maybe related to peri-menopause?? I also react strongly to the heat in general, within minutes of going outdoors I begin perspiring heavily, and it stops after 10-15 mins. However, when I go indoors, it happens all over again.
There are numerous possible diagnoses, but without lab data and a physical examination, everything would be speculation. Clearly, something is amiss. Whether it is a serious condition or something minor (like a dietary adjustment) can only be determined by your health care provider.
An isolated blood sugar test isn't a reliable indicator. Your doctor will order a test called an A1C that will provide information about your blood sugar levels over the preceding 3 months.
But there are other disorders that may be manifesting, so your smartest action would to be seen by a health care provider.
Edema ( water retention ) can be caused by many things...salt intake, kidney function, thyroid function, etc. etc. See your health professional to find the cause and treatment for this problem. Edema can cause health risks, such as high blood pressure.
I really would go to another doctor for a second opinion and a complete physical. I also reported Smitty. He has been making weird comments on the Women's Health board...
Help me Gurl Problumes!!?
OKAY when every i am having me period.. I get crampes and ill take medal but that never works all the time...So what should i us or do. My teacher says its better to run when im in P.E. becasue that helps but i dont thinkk that it does.So [[PLZ HELP ME]]
Ok, the minute your period starts, start taking ibuprofen (you can take 3 of the 200 mg pills to start), then take 2 more every 4 hours. That helps me with mine ( and they can be bad). Take the pills.
I have found that taking alieve helps me better than anything. Depending on your age, i would give it a try. Just remember to not life alot during your period because it could cause a hemmorage, and you could bleed worse. Good Luck!
-eat bananas
-take 2 midols Xtra strength
-run..i know you won't feel like it but it DOES help.
-stay clean.
-try to NOT think about it.
i know thats hard but just try i started today and i'm leaving tonight for NY (school trip) so imagine my pain and anger.LOL
good luck!
she is right...exercise helps. It might not make sense but it does. Try pamprin for pain...I don't usually use anything...just tough it out
my mum would suggest me to get something warm like a hot water bottle and put it on my stomach. it will help!! don't take pills as this will affect your later developing
running is fine and great but when you stop it all comes back...heating pads work, heavy duty pain killers (like vikadin) if you can take em', and foods like bananas. I also find putting my head on one arm of a chair and my legs on the other kind of in a U shape really helps. Or go on birthcontrol and stop having your period
exercise IS good to help with period pain usually, though i'm not sure about running, i'd recommend walking or gentle exercise like swimming -always helped me...it's always the last thing you feel like you can do but it really does make a difference...
use pain killers if you really need them, anti inflammatory ones are the most useful (such as ibuprofin etc) but you need to make sure you follow the instructions, in general a hot water bottle or heat pad works just as well - it's awful but the best you can do is be occupied with something else and relax cos they tend to get worse the more you think about them!!
also you can try peppermint tea as this can help a lot, a glass every few hours is fine..
i hope you find something that helps cos i kow how bad it can be!
Ok, the minute your period starts, start taking ibuprofen (you can take 3 of the 200 mg pills to start), then take 2 more every 4 hours. That helps me with mine ( and they can be bad). Take the pills.
I have found that taking alieve helps me better than anything. Depending on your age, i would give it a try. Just remember to not life alot during your period because it could cause a hemmorage, and you could bleed worse. Good Luck!
-eat bananas
-take 2 midols Xtra strength
-run..i know you won't feel like it but it DOES help.
-stay clean.
-try to NOT think about it.
i know thats hard but just try i started today and i'm leaving tonight for NY (school trip) so imagine my pain and anger.LOL
good luck!
she is right...exercise helps. It might not make sense but it does. Try pamprin for pain...I don't usually use anything...just tough it out
my mum would suggest me to get something warm like a hot water bottle and put it on my stomach. it will help!! don't take pills as this will affect your later developing
running is fine and great but when you stop it all comes back...heating pads work, heavy duty pain killers (like vikadin) if you can take em', and foods like bananas. I also find putting my head on one arm of a chair and my legs on the other kind of in a U shape really helps. Or go on birthcontrol and stop having your period
exercise IS good to help with period pain usually, though i'm not sure about running, i'd recommend walking or gentle exercise like swimming -always helped me...it's always the last thing you feel like you can do but it really does make a difference...
use pain killers if you really need them, anti inflammatory ones are the most useful (such as ibuprofin etc) but you need to make sure you follow the instructions, in general a hot water bottle or heat pad works just as well - it's awful but the best you can do is be occupied with something else and relax cos they tend to get worse the more you think about them!!
also you can try peppermint tea as this can help a lot, a glass every few hours is fine..
i hope you find something that helps cos i kow how bad it can be!
Help me get rid of migraines?
has anyone any tips or knows of any medication that has worked for them in getting rid of migraines.? i get them once a month when im due on period and they last about 4-5 days . ive really had enough of them, keep going to docs but nothing happening. thanx x
Regular painkillers don't help much with migraines. What you want are antimigraine drugs called triptans. There are several different ones on the market, including Imigran and Relpax. They're only available by prescription in the US. The lowest dose of Imigran is available OTC in the UK, and this is what I take. Triptans are not controlled substances or habit-forming, so I'm not sure why your doctor wouldn't have at least tried them. If you don't live in England, you can buy it through a British internet pharmacy such as mistrys.co.uk.
You should also be aware that if you take hormonal birth control, migraines might be related to that. Sometimes changing the type of birth control helps.
i got a good idea.
sleeping may work man. when u sleep u dun feel pain.
if that doesnt sound good, u can try putting a pack of ice on ur head. that sould work. if not,
medically, migraines can be an effect of low blood pressure or low cholestrol.
therefore you should exersice often and eat more eggs. they give good blood circulation and good cholestrol.
hope that helps man.
hey i used to get mirgraines every after noon for no apparent reason...they just subsided after a while.i dont really have any idea how to treat it.it is often good to try relaxation methods or a temple massage...but that was all i could figure:P good luck!
try to avoid food like:cheese,coffee,spicy food,cocoa and chocolate drinks,ice cream and fried food when you are nearing to your period,start drinking plenty of water and eat simple and light food.i tried this method it works for me.good luck :)
Regular painkillers don't help much with migraines. What you want are antimigraine drugs called triptans. There are several different ones on the market, including Imigran and Relpax. They're only available by prescription in the US. The lowest dose of Imigran is available OTC in the UK, and this is what I take. Triptans are not controlled substances or habit-forming, so I'm not sure why your doctor wouldn't have at least tried them. If you don't live in England, you can buy it through a British internet pharmacy such as mistrys.co.uk.
You should also be aware that if you take hormonal birth control, migraines might be related to that. Sometimes changing the type of birth control helps.
i got a good idea.
sleeping may work man. when u sleep u dun feel pain.
if that doesnt sound good, u can try putting a pack of ice on ur head. that sould work. if not,
medically, migraines can be an effect of low blood pressure or low cholestrol.
therefore you should exersice often and eat more eggs. they give good blood circulation and good cholestrol.
hope that helps man.
hey i used to get mirgraines every after noon for no apparent reason...they just subsided after a while.i dont really have any idea how to treat it.it is often good to try relaxation methods or a temple massage...but that was all i could figure:P good luck!
try to avoid food like:cheese,coffee,spicy food,cocoa and chocolate drinks,ice cream and fried food when you are nearing to your period,start drinking plenty of water and eat simple and light food.i tried this method it works for me.good luck :)
Help me gain weight. Please?
I'm 13 years old.
And I weigh about 70-75 pounds.
I eat and I don't starve myself.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Help me please
mm well i suggest a peanut butter sandwich before bedtime and drinking juice or a glass of milk with every meal. if you dont like plain milk you can add ovaltine. pasta, breads and rice can help.
on another note try asking mom/dad to take you to go to the dr just make sure everything is ok.
Eat healthy things such as fruits, veggies, whole grains and eat protien. Try protien bars. Drink lots of water. Stay away from refined sugars such as candy.
woah. umm i think there are certain foods you can eat that are supposed to help you gain weight that you can try. you should also probably consult your parents and a dietitian.
also how tall are you? thats kind of important.
You don't say how tall you are - but don't worry about how much you weigh. I have a niece that's 10 and weighs 68lbs. and she's also worried about her lack of weight. I told her that as long as she's eating healthy, being active (she plays soccer and does gymnastics and dances), sleeps well and takes good care of herself, there's nothing to be concerned about.
You're still growing and your hormones haven't kicked in yet - they will soon and your body will start to change (if they haven't already).
Be happy with yourself and know that there's nothing wrong with you.
i wouldn't really worry about it. my best friend was about 80-85 lbs at 13 then she then she began her growth spurt. she grew a few inches and gained a lot of weight (shes still skinny though)
oh please. Enjoy that you have a fast matabalism while it lasts. It will catch up to you. Just eat whatever you want whenever you want and watch everyone else get jelous!
And I weigh about 70-75 pounds.
I eat and I don't starve myself.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Help me please
mm well i suggest a peanut butter sandwich before bedtime and drinking juice or a glass of milk with every meal. if you dont like plain milk you can add ovaltine. pasta, breads and rice can help.
on another note try asking mom/dad to take you to go to the dr just make sure everything is ok.
Eat healthy things such as fruits, veggies, whole grains and eat protien. Try protien bars. Drink lots of water. Stay away from refined sugars such as candy.
woah. umm i think there are certain foods you can eat that are supposed to help you gain weight that you can try. you should also probably consult your parents and a dietitian.
also how tall are you? thats kind of important.
You don't say how tall you are - but don't worry about how much you weigh. I have a niece that's 10 and weighs 68lbs. and she's also worried about her lack of weight. I told her that as long as she's eating healthy, being active (she plays soccer and does gymnastics and dances), sleeps well and takes good care of herself, there's nothing to be concerned about.
You're still growing and your hormones haven't kicked in yet - they will soon and your body will start to change (if they haven't already).
Be happy with yourself and know that there's nothing wrong with you.
i wouldn't really worry about it. my best friend was about 80-85 lbs at 13 then she then she began her growth spurt. she grew a few inches and gained a lot of weight (shes still skinny though)
oh please. Enjoy that you have a fast matabalism while it lasts. It will catch up to you. Just eat whatever you want whenever you want and watch everyone else get jelous!
Help me calculate my period!!?
ok im going on vacation in july .. my period last mouth was the 4th of may.. now started today the 4th of june... how many days is my cycle and when will i get it in july??
If your standard period is about 7 days from start to finish (may 4th - may 10th) then a gap of 23 days (may 11th - june 3rd) you should start on or around july 5th. However,mine's a 7 day period with a 19 day gap, so it might not be as accurate.
TIP- on your calender/day planner/diary ,put a red circle when you start your period and when you stop - makes it easier to plan ahead for informed pregnanies,holidays etc.
probably the "4th" of July
It should b on the 4th again next time but it should last 4 only mayb 2 or 3 days.
most cylcle 28 days give 2 more .
Probably the 4th of july
between july 2 to july 5.
most likely the same as the last 2 months the 3rd or 4th
By my calculations, if you are always very regular in your timing, you should get the next one on July 5.
try going to www.mymonthlycycles.com and if you enter when you have previously had your period it calculates how long your cycle is and when you should expect to start..hope it helps
If your standard period is about 7 days from start to finish (may 4th - may 10th) then a gap of 23 days (may 11th - june 3rd) you should start on or around july 5th. However,mine's a 7 day period with a 19 day gap, so it might not be as accurate.
TIP- on your calender/day planner/diary ,put a red circle when you start your period and when you stop - makes it easier to plan ahead for informed pregnanies,holidays etc.
probably the "4th" of July
It should b on the 4th again next time but it should last 4 only mayb 2 or 3 days.
most cylcle 28 days give 2 more .
Probably the 4th of july
between july 2 to july 5.
most likely the same as the last 2 months the 3rd or 4th
By my calculations, if you are always very regular in your timing, you should get the next one on July 5.
try going to www.mymonthlycycles.com and if you enter when you have previously had your period it calculates how long your cycle is and when you should expect to start..hope it helps
Help me =[ i have TAMPON TROUBLE?
i have read about relaxing when using a tampon and i did put one foot on the toilet, but i can't seem to get it in :/ everytime i try it hurts a lot and goes in barely, next thing i know it feels like im trying to get through a wall. i don't know how else to try this please helpp
Make sure you are using a small size, not the extra absorbent.
its ok it takes a while to get used to
find a cumfortable position and breath a few times to relax
the insert the tampon vertically
if the angle is wrong it wont go in
make sure you go all the way to the grip before pushing it in
i have the same problem! sry i dont have any advice...
There are some junior tampons that are smaller and may help you with insertion, you should try using the Tampax pearls, or one with a rounded tip applicator this all helps with insertion. I personally prefer to squat because it seems to open me a little bit, helping with insertion.
It takes time and practice. I personally don't like to prop my leg up, I just squat over the toilet. I personally had to drink a glass of wine to get it in the first time, but after that no problem. (if you aren't 21, don't do this)
put it in at a slight angle
it works!
This may sound like a weird thing to do because explaining it sure it but it helped me understand things down there before I started using tampons. Take a shower or bath or feel around down there for the hole, there shouldn't be anything stopping atleast 1 finger from going in. So after your realize the position and tilt of things down there, it should go alot smoother. Also, relaxing your muscles can help. Good Luck!
re-read the directions and make sure that you are doing it right - when i first wore one i tried to just insert the cotton piece i didn't realize that i needed to use the other thing to insert it - you might want to try the pearl brand they have plastic applicators and they are pretty narrow, don't try to use the cardboard ones they do hurt
always relax your muscles. make sure you use a lower absorbency first before you try the super or ultra. Also it helps if you use plastic applicators. The tips are rounded and they glide better then cardboard.
Stand a little curved with one leg on the toilet gently and slowly insert the tampon pushing it toward your back, once you feel the tampon applicator click together you know you have it in right. Good Luck and I hope this helps.
Make sure you are using a small size, not the extra absorbent.
its ok it takes a while to get used to
find a cumfortable position and breath a few times to relax
the insert the tampon vertically
if the angle is wrong it wont go in
make sure you go all the way to the grip before pushing it in
i have the same problem! sry i dont have any advice...
There are some junior tampons that are smaller and may help you with insertion, you should try using the Tampax pearls, or one with a rounded tip applicator this all helps with insertion. I personally prefer to squat because it seems to open me a little bit, helping with insertion.
It takes time and practice. I personally don't like to prop my leg up, I just squat over the toilet. I personally had to drink a glass of wine to get it in the first time, but after that no problem. (if you aren't 21, don't do this)
put it in at a slight angle
it works!
This may sound like a weird thing to do because explaining it sure it but it helped me understand things down there before I started using tampons. Take a shower or bath or feel around down there for the hole, there shouldn't be anything stopping atleast 1 finger from going in. So after your realize the position and tilt of things down there, it should go alot smoother. Also, relaxing your muscles can help. Good Luck!
re-read the directions and make sure that you are doing it right - when i first wore one i tried to just insert the cotton piece i didn't realize that i needed to use the other thing to insert it - you might want to try the pearl brand they have plastic applicators and they are pretty narrow, don't try to use the cardboard ones they do hurt
always relax your muscles. make sure you use a lower absorbency first before you try the super or ultra. Also it helps if you use plastic applicators. The tips are rounded and they glide better then cardboard.
Stand a little curved with one leg on the toilet gently and slowly insert the tampon pushing it toward your back, once you feel the tampon applicator click together you know you have it in right. Good Luck and I hope this helps.
Help in girls puberty?
i am 10 years old and i think i am going through puberty. what are some signs that tell you you are going through puberty? i really want to talk to my mom about this stuff but i don't know how. i am worried to ask her about it! please help!
also i really want to buy some bras but am afraid to ask my mom for some. a couple months ago my mom asked me if i wanted a bra because we were at the store and passing them.
i started laughing and said no but i really did want them. please help!!
Well if your mom comes in to your room to say good night, when shes in there ask her if she can take you bra shopping. If you get hair "down there" your going through puberty. You'll get arm pit hair most likely zits and your period. It will take about 1 year to 3 years to be done going through puberty. Don't feel left out when your friends get their period before you. You'll get it soon enough and every body develops at a different rate. And talk to your mom, she went through the same thing.
I am a mom of a 12 year old girl, and you need to trust me on this. Talk to your mom. I bet she makes an afternoon out of going and buying cool bras. My daughter was embarassed and mortified to have to tell me she wanted a bra. I was thrilled my baby is growing up. Talk to your mom!
If your budding out (starting to get breast) then yes you need to ask your mom for a bra. Give her a note if you have to.
If your starting to get hair under your arm pits and in your private area then yes it is starting.
However this is really a subject a 10 year old should be talking with their parents. You have opened the door for some pervert to try and contact you privately.
So sit down and have a good mother daughter talk about this subject.
there are heaps of signs tells u that ur goin throu puberty such as t!ts start to pop out, pubic hair start to grow, gettin ur period might be the top one but girls usually get it when they turn 12 or above that age but it might be unusal if the girl turn 16 and she didnt get it yet...anyways, you are old enough now to talk to ur mum about that because if u r embarrased to tell her and share things with her then who are u going to share it with? beside friends at ur age dont know as much as ur mom does, so be opened up to her she is not going to kill u or stop u from growin its totally natural for every single girl.
omgosh! you are actually lucky! your mom asked if you wanted a bra? my mom gave my one to try on but I feel soooooo bad because we were running out the door and that would have been the right time to ask her but we were in a rush so I never really did.
also i really want to buy some bras but am afraid to ask my mom for some. a couple months ago my mom asked me if i wanted a bra because we were at the store and passing them.
i started laughing and said no but i really did want them. please help!!
Well if your mom comes in to your room to say good night, when shes in there ask her if she can take you bra shopping. If you get hair "down there" your going through puberty. You'll get arm pit hair most likely zits and your period. It will take about 1 year to 3 years to be done going through puberty. Don't feel left out when your friends get their period before you. You'll get it soon enough and every body develops at a different rate. And talk to your mom, she went through the same thing.
I am a mom of a 12 year old girl, and you need to trust me on this. Talk to your mom. I bet she makes an afternoon out of going and buying cool bras. My daughter was embarassed and mortified to have to tell me she wanted a bra. I was thrilled my baby is growing up. Talk to your mom!
If your budding out (starting to get breast) then yes you need to ask your mom for a bra. Give her a note if you have to.
If your starting to get hair under your arm pits and in your private area then yes it is starting.
However this is really a subject a 10 year old should be talking with their parents. You have opened the door for some pervert to try and contact you privately.
So sit down and have a good mother daughter talk about this subject.
there are heaps of signs tells u that ur goin throu puberty such as t!ts start to pop out, pubic hair start to grow, gettin ur period might be the top one but girls usually get it when they turn 12 or above that age but it might be unusal if the girl turn 16 and she didnt get it yet...anyways, you are old enough now to talk to ur mum about that because if u r embarrased to tell her and share things with her then who are u going to share it with? beside friends at ur age dont know as much as ur mom does, so be opened up to her she is not going to kill u or stop u from growin its totally natural for every single girl.
omgosh! you are actually lucky! your mom asked if you wanted a bra? my mom gave my one to try on but I feel soooooo bad because we were running out the door and that would have been the right time to ask her but we were in a rush so I never really did.
Help in bras and puberty?
i am 10 years old and know i am going through puberty. my mom forces me to shave my armpits and allows me to shave my legs. i don't wear bras yet but wear camis under all of my clothes. i want to wear bras so bad. i would love it if they were cupped but i also want training bras so i can get used to them. i am so scared to talk to my mom about puberty, bras, and periods. how can i talk to my mom about this stuff? how can i give her signs that i want and need a bra? what is the normal age to start your period. i want to have my period. i have been having lots of discharges and cramps. is this a sign of the first one? how come my mom never talked to me yet about puberty? i want to have a long talk about puberty. how do i ask her for a bra? how do i get her to notice i want one? once i was in the store with her passing the section of bras and she asked if i wanted one and i was embarrased and said no. but i really wanted one. my boobs are bigger now. HELP!
okay. I just went through that exact fase. Im not much older than 10. i am only 11 actually. I just started wearing a regular bra. I was just the opposite of you actually. I was DREADING going through puberty. I thought all my friends would make fun of me cuz im a lot like...going through it more..so yea. i did want to shave though. so I started shaving..then I got my period. I was freaked out. I didn't want it to come. The only person who actually knows i have it right now is my mom. but for bra's i started out with the simple sports bra and wore if for a while..when i play sports i still do. then one day we were at the mall and i casually said "mom I need some regular bras because its summer and i need thin straps. she understood perfectly! i know i can always trust my mom. she didn't tell anyone cuz she knew how uncomfortable i was about it and everything but for you I would just go ahead and tell her. she will understand. i was freaked to tell my mom at first too..but then when i started talking i got a lot more relaxed and it was easier. i hope i helped.
just come out and tell her. once u say it it is easier and less embarrasing than u think
If your nipples are showing through your shirts you definitly need a padded bra so that doesn't show. I would also buy sports bras for gym class. I got my period when I was 12 and a lot of my friends got them between 11-14. Just tell your mom that since your getting older your going to need to get stuff for older girls
Wow, your mom isn't on the ball.
either just tell her how you feel
ask her: mom how come you did talk to me about puberty? i I have questions that only my mom can answer. can we have a talk please? whenever the time is best for you.
just tell her that. it will work.
i hope i helped and it's not the bad i asked my mom for pantie liners a week or so ago. if u want to talk you can email me=) i am 11 by the way i am going into 6th grade in the fall.=)
and i haven't had my period but i want it, and i never liked any bras but cups=)
If you're already growing body hair and your breasts are starting to form, then puberty is just around the corner. You should get your period within a few years (but don't be worried if it doesn't come until you're 15 or so, everyone matures on their own pace).
You should definitely have a talk with your mom. If you're to shy to just say it to her, then write her a letter telling her you really need the puberty talk, and want to get a training bra. Your mom probably doesn't know if you're ready for "the talk" yet, or if you'll be embarassed. But she'll be very understanding once you've told her what you told us. she can take you to the department store to get fitted for a bra - the saleslady there are trained and can tell you if you need a cup bra or a training bra.
Once she has asked if you needed one, you missed that chance. But you could talk to her mentioning that day's incidence and tell her that now you want it. You need to be more frank with yr mom. Think of her as a friend. It will help you in the long run. There will be many opportunities when you will understand the value of this advice. good luck!
just be honest with her
Okay you said you are 10 right?
You still just a little kid! Please live your Childhood days out, and STOP rushing into Adulthood! And you shave your legs? Your 10! You need to chill out a little bit!
And why on earth would you want a Bra? Thats weird! When I was your age I didn't even know what a bra was! I played with Baby dolls, and Barbies!
Really why do you want your Period? or to Shave your Legs, or to wear a Bra?? Please just tell me? Because I can't even imagen why you'd want ANY of that stuff! going through Puberty was miserable! and so was starting your Period! You can't even imagen!
So please stop worrying about this stuff untill your older! your only a kid once you know!
Just ask her. Talking is the most important thing.
First of all! Ignore everyone else that has a go at you! They are not you and do not know how you feel! everyone feels different!
I was the same, i wanted to get a period so bad, i still do, i am just starting now! Brown discharge is always a good sign, that is what i am going through this very day! It will most likely stop by tommorow as i have had it two days now! Tell your mum that you want a bra slowly! Thats what i do! Say something like, my bra hurts me! I think its too small, and when she asks you what type you want, simply start off with saying, nothing fancy, just plain and simple! And explain you want it to be a training one! You mum will be glad you started the conversation, she is as embarassed as you are! Thats most likely why she hasnt talked to you yet!
You get Discharge roughly 1 year before you start your period!
When you start talking about simple things like bras, then the conversation will just go on from there! You will start talking about things like periods and pads, when me and my mum talk about bras, it always leads onto things like, i am happy to buy you the expensive pads if you prefer them and she talks about the changes and stuff! I know its hard to talk to your mum, heck i hate it, My mum is like my best friend, but she is not the kind of person that i would want to talk about things too, neither is my father, none of my family are, lol!
Just trust me when i say, start of simple, by saying my bra hurts, i think its too small! go on google and type in beinggirl, its not that good, but there are a few good points on there that may help you!
Good Luck x[x]x
okay. I just went through that exact fase. Im not much older than 10. i am only 11 actually. I just started wearing a regular bra. I was just the opposite of you actually. I was DREADING going through puberty. I thought all my friends would make fun of me cuz im a lot like...going through it more..so yea. i did want to shave though. so I started shaving..then I got my period. I was freaked out. I didn't want it to come. The only person who actually knows i have it right now is my mom. but for bra's i started out with the simple sports bra and wore if for a while..when i play sports i still do. then one day we were at the mall and i casually said "mom I need some regular bras because its summer and i need thin straps. she understood perfectly! i know i can always trust my mom. she didn't tell anyone cuz she knew how uncomfortable i was about it and everything but for you I would just go ahead and tell her. she will understand. i was freaked to tell my mom at first too..but then when i started talking i got a lot more relaxed and it was easier. i hope i helped.
just come out and tell her. once u say it it is easier and less embarrasing than u think
If your nipples are showing through your shirts you definitly need a padded bra so that doesn't show. I would also buy sports bras for gym class. I got my period when I was 12 and a lot of my friends got them between 11-14. Just tell your mom that since your getting older your going to need to get stuff for older girls
Wow, your mom isn't on the ball.
either just tell her how you feel
ask her: mom how come you did talk to me about puberty? i I have questions that only my mom can answer. can we have a talk please? whenever the time is best for you.
just tell her that. it will work.
i hope i helped and it's not the bad i asked my mom for pantie liners a week or so ago. if u want to talk you can email me=) i am 11 by the way i am going into 6th grade in the fall.=)
and i haven't had my period but i want it, and i never liked any bras but cups=)
If you're already growing body hair and your breasts are starting to form, then puberty is just around the corner. You should get your period within a few years (but don't be worried if it doesn't come until you're 15 or so, everyone matures on their own pace).
You should definitely have a talk with your mom. If you're to shy to just say it to her, then write her a letter telling her you really need the puberty talk, and want to get a training bra. Your mom probably doesn't know if you're ready for "the talk" yet, or if you'll be embarassed. But she'll be very understanding once you've told her what you told us. she can take you to the department store to get fitted for a bra - the saleslady there are trained and can tell you if you need a cup bra or a training bra.
Once she has asked if you needed one, you missed that chance. But you could talk to her mentioning that day's incidence and tell her that now you want it. You need to be more frank with yr mom. Think of her as a friend. It will help you in the long run. There will be many opportunities when you will understand the value of this advice. good luck!
just be honest with her
Okay you said you are 10 right?
You still just a little kid! Please live your Childhood days out, and STOP rushing into Adulthood! And you shave your legs? Your 10! You need to chill out a little bit!
And why on earth would you want a Bra? Thats weird! When I was your age I didn't even know what a bra was! I played with Baby dolls, and Barbies!
Really why do you want your Period? or to Shave your Legs, or to wear a Bra?? Please just tell me? Because I can't even imagen why you'd want ANY of that stuff! going through Puberty was miserable! and so was starting your Period! You can't even imagen!
So please stop worrying about this stuff untill your older! your only a kid once you know!
Just ask her. Talking is the most important thing.
First of all! Ignore everyone else that has a go at you! They are not you and do not know how you feel! everyone feels different!
I was the same, i wanted to get a period so bad, i still do, i am just starting now! Brown discharge is always a good sign, that is what i am going through this very day! It will most likely stop by tommorow as i have had it two days now! Tell your mum that you want a bra slowly! Thats what i do! Say something like, my bra hurts me! I think its too small, and when she asks you what type you want, simply start off with saying, nothing fancy, just plain and simple! And explain you want it to be a training one! You mum will be glad you started the conversation, she is as embarassed as you are! Thats most likely why she hasnt talked to you yet!
You get Discharge roughly 1 year before you start your period!
When you start talking about simple things like bras, then the conversation will just go on from there! You will start talking about things like periods and pads, when me and my mum talk about bras, it always leads onto things like, i am happy to buy you the expensive pads if you prefer them and she talks about the changes and stuff! I know its hard to talk to your mum, heck i hate it, My mum is like my best friend, but she is not the kind of person that i would want to talk about things too, neither is my father, none of my family are, lol!
Just trust me when i say, start of simple, by saying my bra hurts, i think its too small! go on google and type in beinggirl, its not that good, but there are a few good points on there that may help you!
Good Luck x[x]x
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Help I'm really confused?
i'm on the Yaz birthcontrol pill this is my 1 time and my 1st packi will take my last pink pill 2 day and 2mmrow i will start my 1st white pill of teh pack should i start 2mmrow
I assume (though its hard to tell with all the TEXTING CRAP you've thrown in there!) that you're asking when you'll start your period.
On the pill, regardless of what brand, you usually will start your period anywhere from the 2nd placebo (white) pill through the 4th placebo. I've been using YAZ for 6 months, and my periods have stopped entirely, so don't be surprised if this happens.
Oh, and for future reference and for everyone's benefit, spell out what you're trying to say.I've got a migraine now from trying to figure out your abbreviated junk.
If you are asking if your period will start right away, the answer is no, probably not it usually takes a few days. With this being your first pack you may not get a regular period this month. Good luck!
I assume (though its hard to tell with all the TEXTING CRAP you've thrown in there!) that you're asking when you'll start your period.
On the pill, regardless of what brand, you usually will start your period anywhere from the 2nd placebo (white) pill through the 4th placebo. I've been using YAZ for 6 months, and my periods have stopped entirely, so don't be surprised if this happens.
Oh, and for future reference and for everyone's benefit, spell out what you're trying to say.I've got a migraine now from trying to figure out your abbreviated junk.
If you are asking if your period will start right away, the answer is no, probably not it usually takes a few days. With this being your first pack you may not get a regular period this month. Good luck!
Help I'm having hot flashes!?
I'm 21 just had one of my ovaries removed due to a copy cell tumor. (Thats the kind that will have hair, teeth, and eyeball replicas in it. My case was hair and fat cells that made my ovary 8 cm in size) and I just switched brands of birth control from Yaz to Sprintec. I have never experienced anything like this before. Anyone else ever had this problem with birth control or ovary removal?
Hello,it is because of your ovary removal.You can go to a health food store and buy Progesterone Cream.It is very safe. Check out the link www.lodestarmedia.co.nz/proges...
Good luck.Ulla (Canada)
I have had the same type of problem and i have found that usually the hot flashes are do to eating anything with sugar in it. Im sorry im not a lot of help.
Hello,it is because of your ovary removal.You can go to a health food store and buy Progesterone Cream.It is very safe. Check out the link www.lodestarmedia.co.nz/proges...
Good luck.Ulla (Canada)
I have had the same type of problem and i have found that usually the hot flashes are do to eating anything with sugar in it. Im sorry im not a lot of help.
Help im flatchested and my best friends arent!?
hi, im 15 and im flat chested. i got my period at 13 but nothing seemed to happen "up there". im tall, and skinny (i dance ballet) my best friends are short and have a chest. i talk to guys and make them laugh alot and stuff but when it comes to relationships and what not, all the guys like them not me. and it sorta gets depressing esp. when you go somewhere and they get all the attention. any tips?
thanks :]
You need to become more comfortable with your body. Boobs aren't everything, don't kill yourself over it. Guys like different things. Think about it why would you want someone liking you for the size of your boobs anyways. They should get to know you for who you are, and learn to love you not your body. I'm sure your beautiful the way you are.and don't worry maybe they'll grow. My friend used to be the same way and she complained alot and now damn her boobs are huge lol. Look at your family. Does your mom have big boobs...most of the times we end up having around our moms or aunts/grandmas size. But anyways point is calm down and just TRY to be comfortable with yourself. Tell yourself your beautiful the way you are.
Well you can do some push ups to excercise and strengthen your muscles in that area but untill your body is ready to develop there is not much you can do. They will come soon :)
Maybe you can ask your mom when she developed %26 yours might arround the same time :)
Good Luck keep your head up and your smile on!
Guys dont only look up there to find an attractive girl, they look for many other things like eyes, personality, booty :) ect.
if after 2 years of having your period you're still not developed, chances are, you won't be. gaining some weight will help a little, along with push-up bras, and, if in a few years the situation doesn't improve, i'd consider surgery. of course, there's always the whole "feeling good about the way you are" deal..
well if u do ballet u should should stay flat cause u have to be really skinny...everywhere!!
okay, first of all, you dont want THAT kind of attention from boys anyway.
I am fairly flat chested, and I have a boyfriend who is wonderful and loves me for who I am, boobs or not. I recommend that you do the same. boobs are overrated and hurt your back in the end anyway!! hehe
Stuff your bra if its that big of a problem
you have to be confident i just got mine[haha well they grew] and im 15. my friend[15] is also very flat. it just takes longer for some. wear flatttering clothes. and avoid boys that like you just for your curves.
thanks :]
You need to become more comfortable with your body. Boobs aren't everything, don't kill yourself over it. Guys like different things. Think about it why would you want someone liking you for the size of your boobs anyways. They should get to know you for who you are, and learn to love you not your body. I'm sure your beautiful the way you are.and don't worry maybe they'll grow. My friend used to be the same way and she complained alot and now damn her boobs are huge lol. Look at your family. Does your mom have big boobs...most of the times we end up having around our moms or aunts/grandmas size. But anyways point is calm down and just TRY to be comfortable with yourself. Tell yourself your beautiful the way you are.
Well you can do some push ups to excercise and strengthen your muscles in that area but untill your body is ready to develop there is not much you can do. They will come soon :)
Maybe you can ask your mom when she developed %26 yours might arround the same time :)
Good Luck keep your head up and your smile on!
Guys dont only look up there to find an attractive girl, they look for many other things like eyes, personality, booty :) ect.
if after 2 years of having your period you're still not developed, chances are, you won't be. gaining some weight will help a little, along with push-up bras, and, if in a few years the situation doesn't improve, i'd consider surgery. of course, there's always the whole "feeling good about the way you are" deal..
well if u do ballet u should should stay flat cause u have to be really skinny...everywhere!!
okay, first of all, you dont want THAT kind of attention from boys anyway.
I am fairly flat chested, and I have a boyfriend who is wonderful and loves me for who I am, boobs or not. I recommend that you do the same. boobs are overrated and hurt your back in the end anyway!! hehe
Stuff your bra if its that big of a problem
you have to be confident i just got mine[haha well they grew] and im 15. my friend[15] is also very flat. it just takes longer for some. wear flatttering clothes. and avoid boys that like you just for your curves.
Help im a 17 yrs old girl my nipples are sore and under my boobs are tender what does that mean?
im not pregnant cuz my period just end the17 of this month. my bf love sucking on them is that the case and i know this might sound nasty it was peeling last week HELP i dnt know the meaning of this im also on birth control i just started it is that the case
Sore breasts are a completely normal side effect of starting birth control. When you get a new pack just read through the little pamphlet they include and it will tell you all sorts of things that may happen that you don't need to worry about.
Also, if your boyfriend likes sucking on them (like mine does to me) that will definitely make them sore if he's really going at it, plus could be the cause of the peeling.
No need to worry - just watch out for the next month or two to make sure you get all healed up and back to normal!
im sorry i dont know the answer but dont feel bad and that JJ guy is a sicko mabye you should see a doctor i know that is much easier said than done
ok i just looked it up try this website
I dont know either unless u were a little to rough w them. I agree u c a doc 2. And youre right jj is a sicko
i have had symptoms like that too and my bf love sucking mine too. it can b related to ur period where u have after pain, just like wen u feel pain before ur period comes. since u just finish menstruating ur nipples are already tender and ur bf then sucks them which makes them harder to recover. u should aslo check the ingredients on ur birth control and see if u could have a reaction to any of them to cuz ur breast to peel. another cause could be yeast infection since u say under ur boobs are sore. but its best u check a doctor if u can.
if your pregnant, and its far enough along, you can still get your period. as for the tender part, thats normal when your about to go on or are just getting off your peroid. as for the peeling, tell your boyfriend to brush his teeth a little more often. if the pealing continues check with your doctor.
do you change your bra every day?
or maybe your bra is to tight for you. though it may just be your body reacting to the new birth control. if there is any kind of wetness around your nipples. stop the birth controll pills and go see your doctor.
Sore breasts are a completely normal side effect of starting birth control. When you get a new pack just read through the little pamphlet they include and it will tell you all sorts of things that may happen that you don't need to worry about.
Also, if your boyfriend likes sucking on them (like mine does to me) that will definitely make them sore if he's really going at it, plus could be the cause of the peeling.
No need to worry - just watch out for the next month or two to make sure you get all healed up and back to normal!
im sorry i dont know the answer but dont feel bad and that JJ guy is a sicko mabye you should see a doctor i know that is much easier said than done
ok i just looked it up try this website
I dont know either unless u were a little to rough w them. I agree u c a doc 2. And youre right jj is a sicko
i have had symptoms like that too and my bf love sucking mine too. it can b related to ur period where u have after pain, just like wen u feel pain before ur period comes. since u just finish menstruating ur nipples are already tender and ur bf then sucks them which makes them harder to recover. u should aslo check the ingredients on ur birth control and see if u could have a reaction to any of them to cuz ur breast to peel. another cause could be yeast infection since u say under ur boobs are sore. but its best u check a doctor if u can.
if your pregnant, and its far enough along, you can still get your period. as for the tender part, thats normal when your about to go on or are just getting off your peroid. as for the peeling, tell your boyfriend to brush his teeth a little more often. if the pealing continues check with your doctor.
do you change your bra every day?
or maybe your bra is to tight for you. though it may just be your body reacting to the new birth control. if there is any kind of wetness around your nipples. stop the birth controll pills and go see your doctor.
Help if you have experienced...I have a concern about my menstrual cycle?
The first day of my last menstrual cycle was May 5th. My cycle is always regular (except when i was pregnant which ended up in a miscarrige).
I had intercourse May 18th and I bled a lot, what seemed to be a days worth of a regular period in the time frame of 4 hours.In the blood there were small fragments i didnt have cramps just bled. It stopped and was fine.
Then in May 24th i bled a tiny amount for about 25 minutes.
Now i had intercoure last night and bled again, i thought maybe it was an early period since yesterday was the 3rd and i get it the 5th.After 20 min it stopped.
I have no idea what is going on.i dont knwo if i'm pregnant or if my cycle is all wacko or what.
anyone ever experience anything like this?
or have any idea?
Again there are numerous reasons why a person can be bleeding between periods. My advice is to check with your gynecologist. The fact that you had a miscarriage can also be a cause for greater concern. Check your doctor jus to make sure all is well.
I have experienced periods that stop, then start, but nothing to the extent that you are describing.
I would definitely talk to my ob/gyn- clearly something irregular is going on, and you will feel so much better once you understand what it is.
I had intercourse May 18th and I bled a lot, what seemed to be a days worth of a regular period in the time frame of 4 hours.In the blood there were small fragments i didnt have cramps just bled. It stopped and was fine.
Then in May 24th i bled a tiny amount for about 25 minutes.
Now i had intercoure last night and bled again, i thought maybe it was an early period since yesterday was the 3rd and i get it the 5th.After 20 min it stopped.
I have no idea what is going on.i dont knwo if i'm pregnant or if my cycle is all wacko or what.
anyone ever experience anything like this?
or have any idea?
Again there are numerous reasons why a person can be bleeding between periods. My advice is to check with your gynecologist. The fact that you had a miscarriage can also be a cause for greater concern. Check your doctor jus to make sure all is well.
I have experienced periods that stop, then start, but nothing to the extent that you are describing.
I would definitely talk to my ob/gyn- clearly something irregular is going on, and you will feel so much better once you understand what it is.
Help i think i might pregnant/?
i main problem is i had a fight with my partner last night i slpped on the face by mistake and he turned around and kicked me in the stomach the thing is i have had my period yet and there's no sign of it coming this morning i had really bad stomach cramps i couldn't stand up because of it and am worried if i am pregnant will he have done any damage to my baby?oh and he doesn't want kids anyway but i haven't told him that i think i might be pregnant yet.
Well first go see your doctor. second leave this guy.
no woman should be with a guy thats going to treat her like that. chances are if he's like this now, he always gonna be this way.
I think you've got a lot of problems on your hands, besides the threat of being pregnant.
Being kicked in the stomach could hurt you. I'd go to a doctor. But don't forget to tell the doctor that you slapped your boyfriend first.
Please consider taking anger management courses.
Right - you didn't say this was a habit of his. In that case , I'd still go to the doctor, and tell him your fears. And ask for help.
Don't let any man hurt you. Move on.
Well, how late are you?
I suggest you take a take-home test, or go and take a pregnancy test at a clinic.
It could just be coincidentally late.
btw, if your partner kicked you in the stomach that's a bit harsh.
wow well that only thing i can say is go get those pregnence test and test your self or maybe its just you cause there are some women out there that somtimes dont get there period when it supposd to happen
The fact that both of you react to disagreements with violence means that both of you have a problem. You have added pressure because you might be pregnant. A kick to the stomach could definitely hurt the baby, and you as well. I would go to the doctor and get checked out. Then after that, you both should work on the anger problem or split. One of you isn't going to come out of it on the good end.
If there is not yet 28 days since the last cycle menses will appear if not get urine pregnancy test done.
there is no fear to fetus if only you have missed one cycle.
also if no bleeding after the kick.
however, it is suggested that you see doctor if the cramps persist
I don't know for sure but you might want to get a pregnancy test. If he kicked you in the stomach then you have a 50% chance to either loose the baby or the baby will have some birth defects. You need to get this checked out immediately. Also one other thing. I understand that you love him and all of this but no women should have to deal with a beating man. Please seek some help before he hurts worse then just "slapping" you around. Good luck!
get a pregnancy test. and by the way your partner is a MAJOR JERK. i wish you lots of luck and if you do the test and you are pregnant talk to your doctor
get out leave your partner he will hurt you if not kill you.you need to see a doc,your partner is a sick person.if you stay with him he will keep hitting you.GOD BLESS YOU
Get the preg. test done. If it is -ve and u wanna continue living with yr man, u must join judo-karate classes! ATB!
go geta pregency test done and tell your mom or somebody you trust that youur partner is abusing you! kicking and punching. i saw a lifetime movie on t.v just like this. and once that women told the police, evrything was MUCH better. so you know what to do.
Well first go see your doctor. second leave this guy.
no woman should be with a guy thats going to treat her like that. chances are if he's like this now, he always gonna be this way.
I think you've got a lot of problems on your hands, besides the threat of being pregnant.
Being kicked in the stomach could hurt you. I'd go to a doctor. But don't forget to tell the doctor that you slapped your boyfriend first.
Please consider taking anger management courses.
Right - you didn't say this was a habit of his. In that case , I'd still go to the doctor, and tell him your fears. And ask for help.
Don't let any man hurt you. Move on.
Well, how late are you?
I suggest you take a take-home test, or go and take a pregnancy test at a clinic.
It could just be coincidentally late.
btw, if your partner kicked you in the stomach that's a bit harsh.
wow well that only thing i can say is go get those pregnence test and test your self or maybe its just you cause there are some women out there that somtimes dont get there period when it supposd to happen
The fact that both of you react to disagreements with violence means that both of you have a problem. You have added pressure because you might be pregnant. A kick to the stomach could definitely hurt the baby, and you as well. I would go to the doctor and get checked out. Then after that, you both should work on the anger problem or split. One of you isn't going to come out of it on the good end.
If there is not yet 28 days since the last cycle menses will appear if not get urine pregnancy test done.
there is no fear to fetus if only you have missed one cycle.
also if no bleeding after the kick.
however, it is suggested that you see doctor if the cramps persist
I don't know for sure but you might want to get a pregnancy test. If he kicked you in the stomach then you have a 50% chance to either loose the baby or the baby will have some birth defects. You need to get this checked out immediately. Also one other thing. I understand that you love him and all of this but no women should have to deal with a beating man. Please seek some help before he hurts worse then just "slapping" you around. Good luck!
get a pregnancy test. and by the way your partner is a MAJOR JERK. i wish you lots of luck and if you do the test and you are pregnant talk to your doctor
get out leave your partner he will hurt you if not kill you.you need to see a doc,your partner is a sick person.if you stay with him he will keep hitting you.GOD BLESS YOU
Get the preg. test done. If it is -ve and u wanna continue living with yr man, u must join judo-karate classes! ATB!
go geta pregency test done and tell your mom or somebody you trust that youur partner is abusing you! kicking and punching. i saw a lifetime movie on t.v just like this. and once that women told the police, evrything was MUCH better. so you know what to do.
HELP i have a question!?
i am 14 yrs old with A cup boobs! is that big or small
i am 14 with no butt
i am 14 and have had 1 period is that ok
i have 27 friends that are boys at my school would u say a little less than half of them wud want to go out
i want an actual answer
i do not want to hear u r only 14 dont worry
or relax
i nees an answer!
plz actually help
14 and A cup is just fine. They're going to get bigger.
14 and no butt, it will grow too.
14 and no period. Totally normal, it will happen anytime between now and 16.
27 guys? I'd say your chances are good that a few might want to take you out sometime.
i am 14 yrs old with A cup boobs: Perfectly fine. Your body is still changing. Women come in all shapes in sizes.
i am 14 with no butt: Perfectly fine. Your body is still changing.
i am 14 and have had 1 period is that ok: Yes, periods can be irregular for a few years.
i have 27 friends that are boys at my school would u say a little less than half of them wud want to go out: Sure. Just continue to be your sweet, smart, bubbly, confident self. Those who only want your body to be a certain way aren't worth your time anyway. ;)
hun, i got the EXACT same problem. A is a little bit small, but they will still grow. i dont understand what you mean bout the guy thing tho Oh, your period may be irregular for a while then it will even out
i am 14 with no butt
i am 14 and have had 1 period is that ok
i have 27 friends that are boys at my school would u say a little less than half of them wud want to go out
i want an actual answer
i do not want to hear u r only 14 dont worry
or relax
i nees an answer!
plz actually help
14 and A cup is just fine. They're going to get bigger.
14 and no butt, it will grow too.
14 and no period. Totally normal, it will happen anytime between now and 16.
27 guys? I'd say your chances are good that a few might want to take you out sometime.
i am 14 yrs old with A cup boobs: Perfectly fine. Your body is still changing. Women come in all shapes in sizes.
i am 14 with no butt: Perfectly fine. Your body is still changing.
i am 14 and have had 1 period is that ok: Yes, periods can be irregular for a few years.
i have 27 friends that are boys at my school would u say a little less than half of them wud want to go out: Sure. Just continue to be your sweet, smart, bubbly, confident self. Those who only want your body to be a certain way aren't worth your time anyway. ;)
hun, i got the EXACT same problem. A is a little bit small, but they will still grow. i dont understand what you mean bout the guy thing tho Oh, your period may be irregular for a while then it will even out
Help help???
how can I have a boyfriend?
be nice and your self
lol. Trust me having a bf is worth waiting until you get older. It's nothing great.
Don't be desperate, and look and be absolutely fabulous every day!
are you old enough to have a b/f
Keep in good shape,(guys always like fit girls) and be your self aroung him and dont htrough ur self@him. Good luck :)
Wait for the right time.. and how old are you anyways..
If your to young your chances of having one is slim
be nice and your self
lol. Trust me having a bf is worth waiting until you get older. It's nothing great.
Don't be desperate, and look and be absolutely fabulous every day!
are you old enough to have a b/f
Keep in good shape,(guys always like fit girls) and be your self aroung him and dont htrough ur self@him. Good luck :)
Wait for the right time.. and how old are you anyways..
If your to young your chances of having one is slim
Help help help please. 10 points ;]?
Ladies! 10 points, easy :)?
how can i make my stomach smaller? like lose some weight?!i want my hip bones to stick out too. im not over weight at all, i just want a TIGHTER stomach. how? and i was a slight 6 pack lol.
10 points garenteed to best answer
i want to look AMAZING In a swimsuit! :)
I am not gonna lie to you. The only way you can get a six-pack is to drop your body fat to 12-15%, which is completely unhealthy, stops reproductive function and leads to loss of bone density (aka osteoporosis). What you want is to be careful about your diet (eat less fat, more protein) and do some crunches - situps, core exercises - to strengthen your abs. But dropping body fat is the only solution for love handles or what not. You can't "spot reduce" - it's a myth. Don't forget - your health is what matters most!
Good luck!
Don't know what you're doing right now, but I would suggest:
- cardio 3-4-5 times a week, 40 mins ea. Could be anything you enjoy - running, ellipticals / biking, climbing, playing sports, whatever.
- abs: 3 times a week. Situps, crunches, side twists, V lifts, can throw in medicine ball exercises or planks
- upper / lower body weights: 2/wk ea. Upper body: assisted chinups, pullups, dips, back extensions hit the main muscle groups.
Lower body: squats (weighted), leg extensions, hamstring curls, calf raises.
Diet: 5/6 times a day meals (3 meals, 3 snacks). Eat plenty healthy foods: lean protein (chicken breast, tuna etc.), fruit and veggies, brown rice, nuts and dried fruit make for great snacks. And DON'T starve yourself - you'll just lower your metabolism and won't lose much weight. Plus there's the nasty hair falling out, bones breaking, period stopping consequences.
Eat healthy, but eat plenty. Build a proper exercise routine and enjoy it! When you feel amazing, you look amazing. :)
Lots of sittups and jogging helped me
Do the P90X workout..you will be transformed.
God bless u,
25 sit ups 2-3 times a day
25 sit ups in the morning, 25 at night.
make sure you eat right. . . lots of fruits and veggies. lay off the sweets for a while. Everynight i do 100 situps. and running helps too.
Good Luck!
how can i make my stomach smaller? like lose some weight?!i want my hip bones to stick out too. im not over weight at all, i just want a TIGHTER stomach. how? and i was a slight 6 pack lol.
10 points garenteed to best answer
i want to look AMAZING In a swimsuit! :)
I am not gonna lie to you. The only way you can get a six-pack is to drop your body fat to 12-15%, which is completely unhealthy, stops reproductive function and leads to loss of bone density (aka osteoporosis). What you want is to be careful about your diet (eat less fat, more protein) and do some crunches - situps, core exercises - to strengthen your abs. But dropping body fat is the only solution for love handles or what not. You can't "spot reduce" - it's a myth. Don't forget - your health is what matters most!
Good luck!
Don't know what you're doing right now, but I would suggest:
- cardio 3-4-5 times a week, 40 mins ea. Could be anything you enjoy - running, ellipticals / biking, climbing, playing sports, whatever.
- abs: 3 times a week. Situps, crunches, side twists, V lifts, can throw in medicine ball exercises or planks
- upper / lower body weights: 2/wk ea. Upper body: assisted chinups, pullups, dips, back extensions hit the main muscle groups.
Lower body: squats (weighted), leg extensions, hamstring curls, calf raises.
Diet: 5/6 times a day meals (3 meals, 3 snacks). Eat plenty healthy foods: lean protein (chicken breast, tuna etc.), fruit and veggies, brown rice, nuts and dried fruit make for great snacks. And DON'T starve yourself - you'll just lower your metabolism and won't lose much weight. Plus there's the nasty hair falling out, bones breaking, period stopping consequences.
Eat healthy, but eat plenty. Build a proper exercise routine and enjoy it! When you feel amazing, you look amazing. :)
Lots of sittups and jogging helped me
Do the P90X workout..you will be transformed.
God bless u,
25 sit ups 2-3 times a day
25 sit ups in the morning, 25 at night.
make sure you eat right. . . lots of fruits and veggies. lay off the sweets for a while. Everynight i do 100 situps. and running helps too.
Good Luck!
Help girls! how can i get rid of cramps?
i feel like someone grabbed all the veins in my stoumach and is trying to rip them out.
any period cramp advice would be really awesome!
There are a million options and different things work for different people.
Firstly, see a Doc. They might need to check that there is nothing else going on. Once you find out there isn't try
The warm trick- heat will relax muscles and dilate blood vessels, this usually helps. CAUTION don't burn yourself with whatever you use!!
Painkillers. Your doctor or pharmacist should be able to help.
Gentle exercise. I know its the last thing you can want to do, but it is really good.
Raspberry leaf tablets- these also dilate cramping vessels and have less side effects than most conventional medication.
If you use a tampon, you might be blocking clots (blood clots are perfectly normal). This can increase pain. Consider sainitary towels or the MoonCup. They let it floooow!
Nurse Emma
drinking warm water, or any water helps for me. also you could put a hot pack or one of those bean bags that you can microwave and they get warm...yea that helps by putting it on your stomach...try to do something that will distract your mind during your period...that helps for me...good luck
The pill Midol is great. The only downside is that it might make you a little sleepy. Also, try those heat pads that you can just stick on. And, make sure that you drink lots of water.
I dont know how to get rid of it
some good tips is to not drink stuff with caffine and drink lots of watter
any period cramp advice would be really awesome!
There are a million options and different things work for different people.
Firstly, see a Doc. They might need to check that there is nothing else going on. Once you find out there isn't try
The warm trick- heat will relax muscles and dilate blood vessels, this usually helps. CAUTION don't burn yourself with whatever you use!!
Painkillers. Your doctor or pharmacist should be able to help.
Gentle exercise. I know its the last thing you can want to do, but it is really good.
Raspberry leaf tablets- these also dilate cramping vessels and have less side effects than most conventional medication.
If you use a tampon, you might be blocking clots (blood clots are perfectly normal). This can increase pain. Consider sainitary towels or the MoonCup. They let it floooow!
Nurse Emma
drinking warm water, or any water helps for me. also you could put a hot pack or one of those bean bags that you can microwave and they get warm...yea that helps by putting it on your stomach...try to do something that will distract your mind during your period...that helps for me...good luck
The pill Midol is great. The only downside is that it might make you a little sleepy. Also, try those heat pads that you can just stick on. And, make sure that you drink lots of water.
I dont know how to get rid of it
some good tips is to not drink stuff with caffine and drink lots of watter
Help girls only?
When I go number 2 in the batheroom and I wipe my butt there is red stuff and I don't think it is my period cause i don't have it yet(I am a kid)What is wrong with me?Thanx
If you passed a large movement, it could be that it split the skin a little, causing some bleeding. Were there just some spots on the tissue or was it a lot? Only when you wiped? Was there any blood on the movement?
If it continues or is more than a little spotting of blood, I would strongly recommend that you talk to your Mom. Often it's just a small skin crack but if it goes on or is a lot, it could be something else.
Good luck.
Go talk to your parents something could be wrong.
you need to tell your mom and see a dr.
if you are sure it isnt your period.
it could be a hermmorhoid which is an enlarged vein.
or something serious.
You're wipping too much/too hard causing a tear on your anus, and the red stuff is blood.
You might have been eating spicy food, or maybe pushing too hard. You just broke some capillaries. Unless it continues or worsens, it is probably OK.
If it's coming from you're butt you're probably constipated . which means you're probably not drinking enough water and not eating enough fiber in your diet.
maybe when you pooped it stretched the hole and caused a bit of bleeding, dont worry it happens all the time
it hurts i know, but nothing is wrong, just be happy that its over with.
Oi... I had the same problem. I was a shy girl and I never told my parents. It went away after I stopped obsessing about it.
BUT... you shouldn't do what I did... tell your mom cz your health is very important. I wish someone told me this when I was a kid!
um i read ur other questions and they say u have a daughter and a bf? nice try and get a life
If you passed a large movement, it could be that it split the skin a little, causing some bleeding. Were there just some spots on the tissue or was it a lot? Only when you wiped? Was there any blood on the movement?
If it continues or is more than a little spotting of blood, I would strongly recommend that you talk to your Mom. Often it's just a small skin crack but if it goes on or is a lot, it could be something else.
Good luck.
Go talk to your parents something could be wrong.
you need to tell your mom and see a dr.
if you are sure it isnt your period.
it could be a hermmorhoid which is an enlarged vein.
or something serious.
You're wipping too much/too hard causing a tear on your anus, and the red stuff is blood.
You might have been eating spicy food, or maybe pushing too hard. You just broke some capillaries. Unless it continues or worsens, it is probably OK.
If it's coming from you're butt you're probably constipated . which means you're probably not drinking enough water and not eating enough fiber in your diet.
maybe when you pooped it stretched the hole and caused a bit of bleeding, dont worry it happens all the time
it hurts i know, but nothing is wrong, just be happy that its over with.
Oi... I had the same problem. I was a shy girl and I never told my parents. It went away after I stopped obsessing about it.
BUT... you shouldn't do what I did... tell your mom cz your health is very important. I wish someone told me this when I was a kid!
um i read ur other questions and they say u have a daughter and a bf? nice try and get a life
Help for bad period symptoms?
I have REALLY bad PMS, not emotional, but physical. I PMS for 2 weeks, have my period for 1 week, get 1 week of break, and then back to 2 weeks of PMS and so on. My boobs get so sore (they are Ds) and it makes everything I do hurt. I also get cramping, back pain, and a few other things. But the 14 days of boob soreness is TERRIBLE. Does the birth control pill help with these symptoms? Are there any specific brands that you could name?
YES! When I was 14, I was pretty much crying the entire time I was on my period. Bad cramps and heavy flow. Birth control pills were my life saver. I've been on them for over 10 years, and I hardly have any PMS symptoms, and I have a 4 day period. You should make an appointment with a clinic or doc!
The pill will help with cramping, but Midol should help other symptoms.
Only Progest. BC may help. u should c yr ob gyn.
midol, and pamton both very good but go with the midol at least that is my first pick. some tips i have are excersize not hard core just walk a pet, or do something you enjoy it really does help. Bubble baths feel great on your boobs, cramps, and back even headaches. Heating packs work great too. Wear extra snug bras to keep them on top of your chest and not moving so the pain is less. The pill. Im not too sure about that one but i think it does work. If you have any more questions email me at xoemilyx@yahoo.com
YES! When I was 14, I was pretty much crying the entire time I was on my period. Bad cramps and heavy flow. Birth control pills were my life saver. I've been on them for over 10 years, and I hardly have any PMS symptoms, and I have a 4 day period. You should make an appointment with a clinic or doc!
The pill will help with cramping, but Midol should help other symptoms.
Only Progest. BC may help. u should c yr ob gyn.
midol, and pamton both very good but go with the midol at least that is my first pick. some tips i have are excersize not hard core just walk a pet, or do something you enjoy it really does help. Bubble baths feel great on your boobs, cramps, and back even headaches. Heating packs work great too. Wear extra snug bras to keep them on top of your chest and not moving so the pain is less. The pill. Im not too sure about that one but i think it does work. If you have any more questions email me at xoemilyx@yahoo.com
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