Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Help! I have been sick since Feb.?

I have had unexplained pain throughout my whole body. I am on pain medications, but they dont really seem to be helping. Also, I have been extreimly fatigued. The pain has kept me from attending school since February 25th.Im only 14 years old and am in great physicall shape. Before becoming ill I had not missed a day of school. Both my parents are doctors and have taken me to almost every specialtist. If you have any ideas about what could be wrong or know something about a similar condition please help me. Thanks
You might ask your dr. or in your case your parents about "Rebound Pain". I had severe headaches for over a month and when my Dr. realized what was going on he "detoxed" me off of the pain meds (not fun!) and the pain went away. He said sometimes the pain med can actually cause more pain. Strange isn't it? I had never heard of this but I'm so glad my dr. finally figured it out. So it might be worth asking about. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.
Once my teacher had that where she was sick a very long time. I remember her doctor gave her a bunch of medication and told her to use her inhailer more. But thats all I know. I would try drinking "Airborn". It is a thing that disolves in water (hot ot cold) that you drink and it boosts your immune system so you dont get sick.
Lupus, MS, Fiberomyalgia, , its most likely one of those auto immune diseases where your body attacks itself, also could be the deadly form of arthritus. if they dont know what it is i doubt anyone will know.

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