Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Help! Is it possible to delay your period or make it come earlier?

My family and I are going on vacation in August, and I know I'll be getting my period on vacation. For the past 3 years, I've gotten my period on vacation, although my cycle has changed from beginning to middle to end of the month. I just always seem to get my period when we go on vacation, and every year we go to the beach. I was wondering if there is any possible way to either delay your period or make it come earlier. A friend of mine said there's a pill I can take, but I'm not sure. I know how to use tampons [I'm a competitive swimmer] but I hate feeling bloated wearing my swimsuit, or feeling cranky. I'll also be the only girl there under 40, with my two brothers and three boy cousins, so it's really awkward. I was hoping there's some way to "fix" the situation. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
nope..it comes naturally..
unless you take birth control..
i think thats the only way
If you go on the pill you can run a packet together so you take it for 6 weeks and thus miss your period
I think it is too soon to try to take anything to trick your body into not giving you a period during vacation. Starting birth control means that it takes a few months till your cycle is regulated, so you could end up having it anyway. Even if you start the pill and skip the placebo week (which I have tried and do NOT recommend, as it takes forever to get your cycle back to normal and you never know when you'll menstruate!) it might not stop your period from coming.

Talk to your doctor about it, see what they say could help you with your predicament. Whatever they say, do NOT get on depo provera (Pfizer has class action lawsuits against them for what that shot does to women!)!!

My advice would be to use tampons and try Pamprin or Midol.
The only only thing you can do is be on birth control. You just skip the nonactive pills and keep taking the actives. But if you are still in your first 3 packs...you may have breakthrough bleeding anyway. sorry I wish there was another way
Sorry hun there is no way to delay your period or make it come earlier... there is a new birth control pill out that the user only gets 4 periods a year and there is another one that is brand new and got approval from the FDA just recently where the user will have no periods kind of like the shot...you may want to go to you obgyn and talk to her about those options and decide to switch pills or if you are not on one get on one. The pill also lessens breakouts and cramping that may be something you can check in to.
If you are on birth control pills anyway just skip the 7day ones that you would normally take when you are on your period,and go straight to the next months supply instead...Other than that ,see your gynecologist before trying anything else..They will have better and safer answers...Have a great time on your Vacation..Be Safe..

Help! I'm going through menopause~I can't sleep~can you help??

I'm 48 years old - I've had hot flashes for the past 2 years - they seemed to have slowed down (less frequent) - but for the last 2 years I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep. I usually have to wait until I'm REAL tired by either reading a book or surfing the web-then I'll go to sleep but I always wake up after about 3 hours and a lot of times can't go back to sleep for another hour or two or three. Can anyone suggest anything besides sleeping pills? Thanks.
Have you undergone medical tests to see if all is well with you? Are you stressed? Do you have marital, financial or other problems that interfere with your sleep? These are the questions any doctor should ask you. I can advise you to try and go to bed every night at the same time, force your body into some kind of a routine. It might take awhile for your body to adjust to a regime but it will. Also I can advise you to try some herbal drops called "Rescue Remedy". They are made of flowers and help me to fall asleep when I have troubles getting to sleep. The drops are not addictive and do not cause any harm.
There are a lot of other recommendations how to induce sleep, like a warm bath or shower, hot drink etc. I am sure you tried it all.
I took lavender baths and they helped some.Some of the stuff they sell like st.johns wort and black cohash helps a little bit.Unfortunately They didn't work for me and I needed the sleeping pills.
Menopause is a stage in life when a woman stops having her monthly period.It is a normal part of aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years.Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause needs 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of salt to reduce bloating associated with hormonal changes. More information and remedies at http://useinfo4.blogspot.com/

Help! I'm broody and hating it!?

I've been really broody lately. I just can't get the idea of having a baby out of my head. My husband doesn't really take me seriously and we can't really afford for me to stop working. What can I do?
Make him take you seriously!! Have a chat with him and tell him your plans for the future. Find out how long he wants to wait before he has kids, if you have a date you can aim for it gives you something to look forward to when you are feeling broody!!
Borrow my 3yr old for the day if you want, she will soon put you off, in fact, you can have my 3 teenage sons and all:))

Good package deal or what!
So u are looking forward too sleepless nights,dirty nappies,no social life,bouts of crying,fitting in the house work.
Do i need to go on?
I'm feeling kind of stupid right now, I had to go to dictionary.com to find out what the word broody meant. LOL. OK now getting serious, you're probably thinking about it because you feel like you are really ready to have a baby. Find a way to talk to your husband and see if he is ready as well, because if he's not that might be why he is avoiding discussing the topic with you. If financial problems is what is holding him back from wanting to have a baby, then the two of you should discuss what needs to happen before he'd feel comfortable with the idea. Another thing, if you were to decide to have a baby now, you don't have to stop working. I know that a lot of women want to stop working to raise the children because they're afraid of what will happen to the children if they don't but a lot of women either don't stop working or are like you can't stop working and the children turn out fine.
I hope that you start feeling better soon and that the two of you can come to terms with something that will make the both of you happy.
Having a baby should never be about money, it's more about having fufillment in your life. A child is also a lot of responsibility, and costly, both emotionally and physically, all those sleepless nights! Children come with no guidelines nor instructions, they will be life changing.
If your broody,feel unloved, unneeded, check what else is missing in your life and relationship. Sorry but you say that your husband does not take you seriously, is it that you are both still quite young? You should question his view of "you" does he see you as an equal who is a responsible, capable adult? If he is not as keen as you, you also have to question will he ever want a child?

Oh and never bring a child into a relationship that is not working, having a baby will not solve anything.
i am the same, so i can truly sympothise with you (((hugs)))

if having another baby is out of the option, and if it is just the feeling of wanting to be pregnant, you want, then why not do the likes of surrogacy? (sorry if you are against the idea)

it is a horrible way to feel though, best thing to do is just to try and get on with life (which is sooo much easier than done) and just enjoy life xxx

Help! i want it!?

well your still very young and your period is most likely still in the early stages and its not on a regular tract. it's normal to miss acouple months, but later on it will get to a regular pace. And honey I know you love it now, but i'm sure you won't as much when it gets to those dying pains. but good luck
ok uhm first calm down some ppl only have their period like 2 times a year...go to the doctor if you think sumthings wrong...besides you just started give it time to regulate and quit bugging your mom =]
I think everyone will disagree with you about wanting it so that they can look at it while it comes out weirdo
well are you sure that you are not pregnant?
wow you want it creepy? well since it just started its gonna be irregular so dont worry
Im sorry but thats creepy. No offence thats gross. Your probably some guy thats a pervert.
youre creepy...no offense or anything

Help! I need help!?

I need some help. I don't know what to look for when searching for a good gynecologist. I'm in the San Jose area and MD's around here can be pretty shady lol. I just need to know what to look for. Thanks!
Just make sure they're state licensed. Make sure they are a gyno. instead of just an MD - they have to get more schooling and licenses to practice. Esp.ly when it comes to preg. women.
make sure board certified in gynecology
Searching for a gynecologist can be worrisome. I would check with co-workers or friends that live in the area. You can also go under the state board of health web site for your state and search the physician's credentials. Some state websites have police records, etc. if they apply to a physician. That would be a good place to start.

Good luck.
Ask some female friends who they use and are they happy. That is how i found mine

HELP! I have horrible stomach pains, not pregnant. what is it?

Ok i have had these unconfortable stomach pains for over a month maybe 2 months. I am not pregnant, i just feel grossed out by food cant smell some of it or eat some of it because i feel nauceous. I feel like i have a knot in my stomach and also some bladder problem i go to the bathroom a lot more than i used to. What is this?

You could have irritable bowel syndrome. It's common. It just means you get cramps and diarrhea, and the pressure causes you to urinate more. There are medicines the doctor can prescribe for it. Good luck!
could be a bladder infection, go to the doctor.
Maybe a bladder infection? I would suggest going to the doctor.
I personnaly would see a Dr.
It sounds like you may have a kidney infection, which can cause nausea and loss of appetite. Please see a doctor as soon as possible. Nobody can really diagnose you over the internet.
Going to the Bathroom alot more could be from a urinary tract infection. however, the only other thing i could tell you about the stomach pains and not wanting to eat, if ur not prego, is maybe u have a hangover, lol. sorry darlin', wish i could help you more.

Help! I have been sick since Feb.?

I have had unexplained pain throughout my whole body. I am on pain medications, but they dont really seem to be helping. Also, I have been extreimly fatigued. The pain has kept me from attending school since February 25th.Im only 14 years old and am in great physicall shape. Before becoming ill I had not missed a day of school. Both my parents are doctors and have taken me to almost every specialtist. If you have any ideas about what could be wrong or know something about a similar condition please help me. Thanks
You might ask your dr. or in your case your parents about "Rebound Pain". I had severe headaches for over a month and when my Dr. realized what was going on he "detoxed" me off of the pain meds (not fun!) and the pain went away. He said sometimes the pain med can actually cause more pain. Strange isn't it? I had never heard of this but I'm so glad my dr. finally figured it out. So it might be worth asking about. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.
Once my teacher had that where she was sick a very long time. I remember her doctor gave her a bunch of medication and told her to use her inhailer more. But thats all I know. I would try drinking "Airborn". It is a thing that disolves in water (hot ot cold) that you drink and it boosts your immune system so you dont get sick.
Lupus, MS, Fiberomyalgia, , its most likely one of those auto immune diseases where your body attacks itself, also could be the deadly form of arthritus. if they dont know what it is i doubt anyone will know.

Help! I have an ingrown hair I can't quite reach enough to 'dig' out and...?

it keeps on festering up again %26 again - and it's painful! Anyone got any ideas on how to bring a hair to the surface without the normal 'digging' that you have to do? (ps - I'd ask a friend to help me out but, ingrown hair is in the genital area.) So apart from going to the doctors to get it removed - which I really don't want to do - I need another alternative.
I get the same problem. And the only way I can get the hair is to squeeze, ouch, the boil and the hair will actually pop out quiet fast. Like literally popping out there and then.

If you can get your mum to help do.

If this fails you will have to see your Doctor to get the boil lanced and the hair removed.
Using a hot (hot as you can stand) wet cloth and applying it to the area, long hot soak in the tub, disinfect area with tea tree oil/detol/rubbing alcohol. Using a clay facial mask helps too...hot cloth works best...and exfoliate the area daily.
Oh MY! Please cease the digging. I'm almost certain that the digging is causing some of the festering.
You better go see a dermatologist or a gynecologist. OR at least visit your local health unit if you have financial concerns. They could provide you with some answers that could avoid surgery.
Good luck. I hope you feel better soon.
Please don't try to dig it out because you could make things worse. It's best to let a dr do this.
In addition to hot compresses, my mother used to help my brother with eruptions on his shoulders with the following procedure:

1. Crack open a raw egg.

2. Peel away some of the inner membrane that adheres to the inside of the shell. It's fragile, so be careful. Obtain a section large enough to cover the boil.

3. Press this membrane over the boil, smoothing away any wrinkles.

4. Dab some of the egg white onto the membrane.

5. Let it "dry". You will feel some of the "drawing" tendency -- kind of tingly and weird.

6. Once the membrane is completely dry, remove it and wash the area thoroughly with hot water and soap.

You may need to re-apply egg membrane and egg white several times, but it does draw out the infection. Try this a couple of times in one day.

If this method does not work, seek medical attention. A boil can become quite troublesome if allowed to continue for very long. If the infection is allowed to progress, you may end up with an infection in your blood stream, and you do NOT want that! You can become very ill that way.

Be aware that you MAY have a staph infection, which would explain the recurrence of the problem (the continued festering). If this is the case, you will need antibiotics. No amount of treatment will help without that.

Good luck and don't be embarrassed. Life is full of goofy things like this, and any medical professional will have seen this many times before. :)

HELP! i didnt have my period last month...?

and i should be having my period sometime next week, but my period didnt come last month and i took 4 pregnancy test and they all came out negative, if i dont get my period this month and my at home test comes up negative i will tell my mother, the thing is i dont want it to turn out im pregnant and my mom finds out.

does planned parenthood do pregnancy test?
Missing your period does not necessarily mean that you're pregnant. Sometimes you don't get one because of excessive stress, and then the next month you'll have your normal flow again.

If you've taken as many tests as you say you have, and they've all come out negative over the month's time, then you really shouldn't be pregnant.

If you're still worried, try going to a free clinic (our town has like five of them!) and they'll give you a test.
yep...think so
Well first how old are you?? If you started your period 3 years or less then your periods will be irregular. I skipped mine December, January, and Feburary but then it came back.
You don't mention what your pregnancy risk was or when it occurred. A home pregnancy test is accurate 10-14 days after the pregnancy risk; if one of the tests you took was within that time period or after, you can trust the result. If it was before, wait until at least two weeks have passed after the risk and test again.

Relax. Stress can delay your period, which won't help you feel any better. Young women's cycles are often all over the place, and to boot, even women with regular cycles can skip a period for no reason.
Yes. Planned parenthood does pregancy tests. But it's probably because you are so stressed out sweetie. Stess can cause you to be late on your period, or even skip it all together. I know how stressed you are boo. I went through the same thing about 2 months ago. It's very stressful and scary to think that you might be pregnant when you don't want to be. If you dont get your period again this month, take another pregnancy test and talk to your mother/doctor. if you talk to your doctor, he or she cant say anything to your parents because of confidentiality.

Good luck Sweety. I hope everything turn out alright for you.

If you need to talk, my email is drunken_freestyle2004@yahoo.co...
you could tell your mom if u miss this one then get a test and if its neagative then goto the doctors. you might be pregnant but dont worry ur friends will stand by u.

HELP! Girls only LOL. What is the best Sanitary Towel when you start your Period?

Please tell me! 'Cause a girl needs to know what a girl needs to know right?
Thanks for your help!
Ok, there are all sorts of brands, such as Always, Kotex, Bodyform and 'stores own brand'. I have always used Always. I found Always to be soft, thin, and very discret. They have an extensive range to choose from depending on your flow. This also includes most absorbencies to have or not have wings, and have night time ones that are extra long with wings to prevent any accidents. Kotex are thick in comparrison to Always, so your much more concious about them. The shape of Body form is one that sometimes doesnt fit in your pants snuggly, covering right to the sides at the crouch of your pants, so often you'd leak onto your pants. I tend to stay away from stores own brand type of pads, as I never know what they're gonna be like. I buy Always from boots at 拢1.56 for 14 pads in a pack. I always use my advantage card to so I can build points and treat myself once in a while.

Hope this is of use to you.
i like Always Ultra Thin Over-Nights with wings... they arent bulky like a maxi,although they give the same protection...Kotex ultra thin over nights with wings are nice too although teh 'wings' on kotex cover a smaller area...
I don't have a very heavy period, so I usually use just any medium one. Brands don't usually differ too much. Whichever one works for you!
ALWAYS ULTA WITH WINGS OR THEYRES ULTRATEEN its personally prefence they all do the same thing you could use a store brand but i personally recomend always
I would use "ALWAYS" they work better then any other brand
Always ultra thins, they don't feel like you are sitting on a mattress.
I always prefered Always.
Always silk with wings
I use always, but i used to use kotex, which i thought was ok, as it came with ultra-quiet packaging which would perhaps be better if you're just starting and nervous about changing in public toilets or especially at school!! I would have hated anyone to hear it opening, i still do!! Hope this helps x
i use always night time ones as i i suffer with heavy periods.
I prefer Always too. They seem to be more reliable than other brands.
Hope I helped. :o)
always are good, get ones with wings if you want more protection
I'm 13, and I find using the Longest length Always Ultra with wings for Night Time helps. It's got blue packaging.
My advice it to get ones WITH WINGS. If you don't, you'll be dumping loads of your knickers, but it depends on how heavy your periods are.
Hope that helps! :)

Help! emotions freaking out!?

ok, ive broken down twice today, just because my family is under pressure and they're all snapping. Im not about to go on my period, and i never get this emotional unless its right before my period. Why am i so emotional?
Could it be low blood sugar? It's hard to eat right, when there's stress going on.

Have you been sleeping well, and getting enough sleep? I break down like that when I'm tired.

Could you be pregnant, or going through peri-menopause? Hormone fluctuations other than menstrual changes can cause emotional reactions.

As for your family, sounds like it's time to put everything on hold, call a time out, and do something relaxing together. Read a book, lay on a blanket and look at the sky, take a walk, play a game, or just pile on a big bed and cuddle and talk . It may feel like you're shirking responsibility, but releasing stress is actually the best way to be productive.

And remember to keep your breathing slow and even. Good luck to you and your family!
Your metabolism drops.
So the chemicals in your brain drops.
That makes you feel bad.
Chemicals make emotions.
Push the chemicals back up by doing aerobics. That makes the metabolism go back up.
If your family is under pressure and they're all snapping, I would think the emotion comes from that, not any hormone change. It's standard to pick up on other peoples' feelings.

Help! Dance class is tonight and umm period... D:?

I have dance class in an hour, gotta wear leotards and tights and nothing else [i dont have dance pants and shorts are not allowed i think] and i got my period today. what am i supposed to do? i cant go to the store to get tampons right now so someone plzzzz help? D:!
You put your pad inside your tights. It will adhere to the tights and be held in place by the leotard.

Don't worry. You won't be the first nor the last person to have their period while in class. But definitely make it a point to have tampons on hand in the future...or ultra slim maxis.
there is really nothing to do but get tampons just call and say you cant go
Why are you spending your time trying to get an answer when it'll take just as long to get an answer?

Try rolling up toilette paper and putting it up there like a tampon.
Maybe there will be a tampon dispensing machine in the restroom at your dancing academy. If not, ask a friend if you may have one of hers (perhaps a mother taking her kiddo to dance class, coul be a resource for you).
Talk to your dance teacher and tell her what is going on. And bring a pair of sweat pants and see if it is OK if she made an exception for your situation. She should understand.
Get a tampon from somebody in dance class girls always have an extra! if not Get the hell out of there ... Good Luck
make a temporary one with a paper towel rolled up to fit you and bring some more. put a paper napkin or paper towel on the bottom of your panties just in case it drips through. usually when you first get it it isn't too strong anyway so your lucky there. AND then for to the store and get some tampons first chance you can! and good luck on your dance sweetie. sounds great!
Tampons or don't go.
wear a pad to the store on your way there leave early and stop by any gas station to pick up tampons hide one in your purse and leave the rest in the car stop by the bathroom and wam bam your ready
I have been through the same thing except I had to swim, anyways, the only thing you can do is fake sick or get tampons. Good luck!

Help! Could these possibly be symptoms of something?

I am a teenager. I get easily angered about everything. After any kind of fights, I get so angry and end up crying about it. One minute, I will be angry and the next minute, I will be happy. Sometimes, I feel like the word is better off without me or wonder why I was even born. I lost hope in everything and the interest to go on living. Most of the times, I tend to overeat or don't feel like eating at all. I hate everyone around me, even family and friends. I feel like everyone hates me. I feel like I can not trust anyone. Also, when I hear or see people talking, I always assume that they are talking bad things about me. At times, I have high self-confidence, feel restless, and get easily distracted. I do not get enough sleep, but feel like I do not need it at all. Sometimes, I have delusions, hallucinations, and deja vu.
Please talk to an adult..even if it's not mom or dad regarding your feelings. There is help and you are reaching out right now, but none of us know you to be able to provide the actual help that you need. It could be many different things...hormones changing or other issues. My son who is 14 has ADHD and he has swings like what your describing, so it could be many different things, but please talk to an adult..(if you can't talk, write a letter and leave it some where that your mom will find it) as uncomfortable as it will be all of us adults have been there to--trust me!
What you are describing sounds like Biploar Disorder. My brother has it. What I would recommend is to consult your doctor.
maybe bipolar disorder
Sounds like a form of depression or schizophrenia and you should really confide in your parents or a guidance counselor. Realizing these symptoms is the first step--you're lucky you're intelligent enough to know something is not right with you, so take the next step to help yourself see that you're a wonderful person with a lot going for them.
Please go see a doctor. You may be experiences depression or have some degree of bi-polar disorder. There also may be nothing wrong with you. Go see a doctor, it may be a chemical imbalance in need of medication or in most cases, counselling may be in order. These are not things to be embarrased about.
Hey , well you need someone to talk to =[ maybe a psycologist will help?

they can help you with most of the things
i had one once
and i kinda felt like you
now im actually totally diff . talk to ur mom about it she might be able to help =]
im no doctor but to me it sounds like alot of over thinking problems, my daughter had those problems alot and we took her to a therapist and he said that sometimes she just needs to relax and "stop thinking"
The majority of what you describe sounds like typical hormone/teenager issues. However if you have "delusions, hallucinations, and deja vu. " and feelings of low self worth to the point of thinking about suicide. You need to tell someone. Family members, guidance counselor, teacher or an adult you trust. All of these feeling and situations can be fixed. Take the first step and tell someone.
it's either bypolar or depression. you can consult your doctor, or there is this great company that helps people in need it's called simply caring foundation, check out thier website " www.simplycaring.org"
Hey there,

You need to go to a GP and talk them about this, it sounds to me like you have severe depression or some sort of disorder I was diganosed with severe depression when I was 16 it was that bad it got to a point where pain made things easy, I didn't care for my family yet before I loved them like nothing else and when I was in this state I hated them if they spoke to me I wanted to punch them to make them stop speaking. I'm only 21 now but i'm a different person if you don't want to talk a GP ring Kids Helpline they have some useful numbers. You will get through this matey so stick in there i'm sure the world does need you although you don't seem to think that at this point it really does. May I ask if your male or female?
No worries my friend, that sounds a bit like manic depressive and maybe some other issues. Very common. Don't be afraid of how you are feeling.

Psychologists study all that stuff you mentioned and know the symptoms very well. You should see one. Don't worry you are not crazy or anything but they can put you on some meds or other treatments to help you feel more relaxed and normal.

Until then relax. Don't let your thoughts get carried away. Find things you enjoy doing and do them. Get away from the things that are stressing you out and making you mad. Go camping or fishing. Ride a bike, dirtbike, atv, jet ski or something. Its a blast.
Part of what you're feeling is part of being a teenager. It sucks... Trust me...it gets better...
But I would still talk to your parents about talking to a counselor. It really helps to have someone validate everything you're feeling.

When I was in high school (even still now sometimes) I get mad and end up crying about things. I know exactly what you're saying about that. But it does feel better if you're able to just cry and get it all out.

I had a doctor that started me on an antianxiety medication, and it makes a world of difference in my life. I don't cry as much or as easily as I used to cry. Everything just seems more stable now.

I also realized that most of the "friends" I had in high school were anything but friends. Once you find the right people to surround yourself with, life is better. Its also important to find a school counselor or therapist to talk to about all of this. That was the key for me.
Its sounds like you are describing symptoms of bipolar disorder. I have a close friend with it and this is how she would describe it. It would be smart for you to see a psychologist and get on meds to control your moods. Good luck!
Hormones hormones hormones!

Please list all your concerns and go see your doctor.

If you aren't getting enough sleep, that would make you distracted, but not paranoid or delusional.

Talk to your Mom. It might be hard but you must do it and see a doctor.
Think abou this: don't say you hate people, because lots of people cared about you, want proof? look at all the people who answered your question. You were not ingnored. Right? First, as a teenger, these emotions ARE normal...you are young and don't know what's going on, what are you gonna do, you feel no one understand you, etc.etc.etc. If you know this is normal and lots of teenager are feeling the same, and this is a hormonal thing, trust me,. the more you're informed the better weapon you have, when you understand what's going on and why you feel this way, it helps to know that is OK and it's normal. If you let the stress get you, believe me, this is your worse enemy, fight it! by relaxing, understand, and breath, breath, breath. You'll feel better.
But, if it doesn't help,then you look for help my friend. This is extremely important, you need to talk to a Doctor for a proper referral or treatment. He will find out the best way to help you. When you start feeling better, yo'll be able to help yourself better with the medication benefits. Read this carefully :If it's not a medical problem the issues that you "assume" people talk about you, you know what? don't pay attention or focus on this. Humans are so inconsiderate and dumb, that they can eat themselves. Don't waist yout time and energy worrying about these loosers. Find the good people around you. Good Luck and start your plan.
Babygirl, you really need to find someone you can trust and talk to about this. Do not let life pass you by, you are way too young for that.Go out have fun. When you start to feel upset take a deep breath count to 10 and think about one thing that makes you really happy. Before you trust and love anyone else you have to trust and love yourself and then you'll have friends and family that you can get along with. Please give yourself a chance life is too short. Remember, God loves you and so do I. Peace and Blessings
Geez! I sure do wish I STILL felt all this stuff! I'm lucky if I can feel 1/3rd of what you're feeling! I'm 60 and I have a really good life... and I remember where you are. From MY point of view... you are SO lucky and so special. NEVER give up feeling like you are! It is wonderful! DO something with it! Write, draw...read...talk...GO TO SCHOOL and learn how to FOCUS what you have! Love and Hugs, Gina C.
Please go and talk to someone, a professional. You need better advise than anyone on this site can give you. Start with a school counselor or your parents. It could be depression or something like that. You may need medical attention and you are not in control of that and will need help. Lots of people do....don't be afraid to ask. Good Luck!
youre just growing. you should be hating everything now.

Help! bone density thing, Period?

ok. i just got my 2nd period. i am very shy about this stuff and i still have not told my mom. i have osteogenisis imperfecta (brittle bone desiese) and i have to get a bone density scan tomorow. can i still get it with my period? how can i tell my mom. i have already chickened out once and i am tired of using toilet paper as a pad. thanks
check this website.
All you have to do is tell her that you need to talk to her about girl stuff. And then let he know that you have gotten your period. She will def. understand :)
Tell your mom,she's there to love you %26 support you %26 help you.pray %26 maybe that will help you be les afraid.Good luck %26 God bless.

I don't think that your period would interfere with your bone scan. Although I am not for sure about this. You shouldn't be afraid of telling your mom that you have gotten your period. It happens to every young lady. She will understand, because she has been there too. Just tell your mom that you need to have a talk with her, and she should be alright with the whole idea. Like I said before, she knows it is gonna happen one day.

Best of luck
Yes, you should be able to still have your bone density scan done while on your period. Check with the place where you are having it done first thing in the a.m. if the test is being done in the afternoon.

The bone density scan is not painful at all. The test only takes about 10 minutes to do.

As for the thing of your mom and telling her about your period, take her to the side and just tell her that you need to talk to her about something important and then just tell her. Your mom will be very relieved that you told her because I know that she was watching and waiting to see when your period was going to come.

Also, please make sure that your dr knows as well because this becomes an important part of your medical record.
Congratulations! You are taking the first steps to being an adult, that's big news :-)

You need to talk to your Mum, and although it may be uncomfortable, it will soon be over. Just blurt it straight out!

Once the worst is over, she will probably be able to answer most of your questions and may even have some pads waiting ~ Mums know about this stuff :-)

One way to do it is after dinner, ask to speak with her with no-one else around. She may even catch on to what you want to talk about! If she doesn't, just force yourself to say "I have my period". You could even give her a note if you really feel shy :-) She will NOT be angry or upset, she will be glad because it means you have a healthy system.

But, more important ~ because of the condition you have, you may now have to have some supplements in your diet, and your Mum and the doc really need to know about this.

Now that you have begun your journey to being a woman, you will find that you need to take even more responsibility for looking after your own health and wellbeing, and letting people know about any changes in your situation is very important.

Sometimes being an adult means having to do things that are embarrassing (for example, asking for a pay rise!), but if you practice doing these things with your family you will find they are easier later.

Best wishes and good luck with the scan :-)
Ok if you're definately sure you're just having a bone density scan, have no fear. if you have not had them before: all you have to do is come as you are (minus zippers, so wear like draw string track pants or something. just make sure you have no metal on your clothing) and lay very still on a table for like a couple intervals of 3 mins.
The period part: don't be afraid to tell your mom you have your period. Many women before you have gone through the akwardness of telling their moms they got their period for the 1st time. Besides you need her advice on which pads work the best and for her to buy them for you. But don't worry the semi- embarassing moments end soon after and then it turns into some irksome routine every month.
Welcome to womanhood : )

HELP! I need to get rid of these bumps!?

I shave my private area, and I have these ingrown hairs... How do I get rid of those bumps. I have heard ways to prevent getting them, like the Bikini zone, or Deodorant... but how do I get rid of these ones that are already on there? Please help me, because I need them gone quick!
Exfoliate the area, a rough wash cloth is good. Then put some neosporin on.
I put lotion on them every night and rub it in.
it may sound weird but w/e and in the morning you can barely see them!

Help with shaving?

ok I shave under my armpits everyday but they seem to come back after a few hours! I do a ton of sports so I am always sweating and I heard that causes the growth can someone help me I hate being immbarresd by my under arms!
Yes, sweating will make it grow faster. Sweat = humidity and makes hair grow faster.

Give up on shaving. Get your underarms waxed or have electrolysis done on them. Electrolysis sends an electrical current to the hair follicle, killing it. After getting this done numerous times, no hair will grow back.
Pre shave lotion/oil will help with a closer shave. also, there are creams that you use after shaving to inhibit the growth. What type of razor do you use? Venus is the closest shave I have ever gotten.
don't be embarrassed this is normal so keep on shaving don't worry about it if it does bother you that much call and talk to a nurse there then can help you with your questions and answers for you but I think you are fine if you keep on shaving your arm pits and wear deodorant the one you should get would be degree that is on e that wont make you sweat so much I hope this helped you and good luck!
go i hate hair . com and get a free trail of hair removal
Goodness I know the feeling! And what's worse with shaving is that when it grows back, they can grow back thicker than before.

It's not really sweating that can cause the growth. Hair growth is actually an effect of testosterone levels in your body. Testosterone is a hormone both found in males and females, however, males have more testosterone and you can see they have more hair in more places than in females. Testosterone also helps in increasing the strength and mass of muscles (therefore you have the strength to be really active and skillful in sports).

If you're still in your teens, it's best you have your underarms lasered than be treated on your hormones. Being in your teens, it is really considered as a chaotic time because of all the changes that happen in your body. Though this situation sounds awkward, it would be better if you talked to your mom about how this is affecting your activities. She can perhaps take you to the dermatologist regarding this treatment. I hope this helps :)

Help with self esteem?

I have a huge fat butt and I am very depressed about it. I get so jealous of hot skinny women that I throw rocks at them. I try to make myself feel better by pointing out their flaws. I am a piece of human garbage.

ur telling me dont put ppl down u are being a cow no wonder ur depressed
Get a grip honey, theres songs about big butts and plenty guys that like them.

PS. Sir Mixalot
Those women are just doing that because they know it will make you feel bad. So what if they have teeny tiny butts. They have issues with their own bodies. In the end you'll win out over them because you'll learn patience. So end the end you'll be better than them.
Girl, Please. I am a 40ish white woman with a cottage cheese butt, but I still love myself. Go to free.napster.com %26 download the song... I Am Not My Hair by India Arie. Take it to heart! Never has a truer word been spoken (or sung)
You are NOT garbage!
You ARE a beautiful nubian princess!
Stop pointing out everyone's flaws, including your own %26 focus on your talents, skills, dreams, desires %26 goals. I'm not talking about losing your butt either, I am talking about not lying to yourself about what a nice, beautiful, compassionate, soulful, person you are under your skin. If you have issues with your past, face them now, accept them, change what you can %26 leave what you can't behind you in the dust!
There is a place inside of you, in your mind, soul, heart ... wherever, where happiness lives. You don't need a map to find it, you only need to be told of it's existence, then you WILL find it! I am telling you it's there!
Take walks... think, pay no attention to those other women, because ultimately thay will never play a role in your life.
Please listen to me, I have been through this.
Best Of Luck, Always,
You are not garbage. Nothing wrong with a big keester. God loves you.

Help with first bra issue? Girls Only!?

Ok, I'm a bit worried about my first bra. Any "smooth ways" to tell my mom it's about time I get a bra..??
Most mothers understand this,and recognize it on their own,but if you feel you're ready for one,just tell her you'd like to go and look at some,that you feel like you're ready to wear one.She will probably be a little sad,because her little girl is growing up,that's how I felt with my oldest,but at the same time,she should be glad to help you out. :)
If you mom is the one who still takes you shopping just ask the same way you do for a new pair of jeans or whatever else you need.
Tell your mom that you have noticed that you should start wearing a Bra. Chances are she's probably noticed too. My mom forced me to buy mine
Just tell her. She's gone through this part of life as well.

Ask her to take you shopping and then stop by the bra section and see if you can try something on. If you have to show her your chest before you leave to go shopping.
Well if you're not comfortable telling your mom. Then maybe tell your sister(if you have one), grandma, or aunt. They might understand. Maybe leave a note on the table that says "Mom..you are the best!..please buy me a bra" lol, if not go shopping with your friends and buy one..I Hope I helped! 鈾?

Help with excersice??!!?

umm well when i run i lose breath and just randomly sweat...
but sometimes when i run my throat hurts...why does this happen??!!
Do you breathe through your nose? That happens to me too, and usually it's because sometimes I breathe through my mouth. You are supposed to breathe through your nose, and if you are still having trouble, try running slower, or just jogging, should help.
it means you need to drink waters whenever that happens.
Well the breath is due to u starting the exercise now .. U will adjust when ur stamina develops .. About ur throat hurting .. Drink lots of water .. But not before going out for a jog ... Atleast half an hour before going out .. U can walk after drinkin water though ... Maybe u have a throat infection .. U can try some lozenges like Strepsils .. and if not work then go to the nearest doctor

Help with contaception?!?

ok so i was thinking of getting the 'injection' but i read it can make you gain weight. i heard that the pill makes you put on weight too. i want somthing that wont give me spots, gain weight or giv me heavy iregular periods. anyone no what i can use? tnx xx
they all have side effects, and they all work differently on different people. therefore there is no guarantee that any form of contraception won't give you negative effeects. read what other people have to say in older questions about IUDs, the shot, the pill, the ring, the patch, condoms, diaphragms, etc etc. talk with your doctor to get direct factual information and then ask opinions and such from other people, such as from this site

Help with carpal tunnel during pregnancy?~?

I have been having a lot of pain and numbness in my right hand. Dr says it is caused by swelling, etc. Can I do anything to make it not hurt so bad. The pain keeps me awake at night. (btw I am 31 weeks)
I had pregnancy induced carpal tunnel as well- completely went away after I gave birth. You could try the wrist splints that people with carpal use while sleeping.

Help what just happend to me??

okay i was in the bathroom and i put a tampon in , it was my first time using a tampon so i put it in and it was fine i didn't feel it or anything but then all of a sudden i got real dizzy and the next thing i knew was laying back on the tolit my mom was knocking at the door askin if was ok, i sat up and pulled the tampon out, then my mom came in i told her i must of passed out , then she said she was calling me and that i wasen't answering her , i just passed out, i'm really scared now i never passed out before, what happend to me why did i pass out does it have anything to do with the tampon??
Since it was your first time experiencing the use of tampons, you were probably very psyched about it. Subconsciously you were probably more nervous than you thought and the whole situation may have been a little overwhelming. I don't think the tampon had anything to do with it...just a case of nerves. Next time, try to relax more. Maybe after a shower take the tampon to your room and lock the door for privacy. Then lay on a towel on your bed and try inserting it that way. It gets easier with time and experience. Good luck
You should go to the doctor for a check up. Dizziness and fatigue is a sign of Toxic Shock Syndrome. I wouldn't put another tampon in until you check with a doctor. Use pads for the time being.
Yes you just got sick from putting the tampon in. I have the basic mahl seizures symptom.. which means I pass out like once a month, dont worry about it, fainting is really common your just really easily grossed out by things.

Help quick quick quick and when you put them in a walker they whole body lean forward like they have no contr

okay i work at a daycare center and i know alot about kids and the conditions they are in but im lost on this one it is these two boys but there not related one black and one mix with mix i mean his mom is mix but dont know his dad color never seen him before but anyway these two boys they look sort alike and not related but they do ther same thing like they cant really sit up right they are at least 6 months and when you try to sit them up one of there legs is like not inserted right like his joints is in the wrong place one sit right like you sitting up with knees bent correctly and the other its like it wont bend it still stands up like he standing and there neck is not supported right like when you pick them up they head lean over and they neck turn i really hope yall understand cause it really hard to explain anyway and when you put them on ther stomach they face go right in the floor or bed or whatever they lay them at they cant hold bottle/ well one just started so help
research FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) and while you are trying to figure out what is going on play with them and do alot of deep pressure messages to help stimulate muscle activity
that sounds weird, at 6 months they should be able to hold their heads up, and push up from the floor, maybe talk to the mothers, and a nurse, they would know better

Help plz...?

my sister just turned 13 yesterday and she still doesnt have her period. She really wants it because she thinks it would make her look more mature and responsible. What should i do? What should i tell her?
There is no way to make a period start sooner. Some are late some are early. 13 to 16 I believe is the time period where most women start there's. Your sister will just have to be patient. Besides having her period won't make her more mature. If she wants to look more mature and responsible she would do better to start acting that way.
tell "your sister" that she cant just wish her period upon herself. her period will begin when her body is ready for it, and there is nothing she can do to speed up the process.
tell her to relax
its normal
maybe at 14
this is no abnormality
that was me then i got it and... I HATE IT
my friend is 14 and a half and she still dont have it (lucky)
it takes time

Help plz!!?

Theres this guy that I like and he likes me - and I have a feeling that he is going to ask me out any day now - but he's into all the kissing (tongue etc..) which is fine by me . we're quite young . but I haven't kissed anyone b4!!
Please help - how do I kiss??
P.s. full details / basics plz ! It's all so confusing!! Thanks
Kiss gently, normal closed lips kissing, and close your eyes. Closing your eyes increases the sensations you feel, and also sets the mood.
Continue kissing gently. Get comfortable with simple closed lips, lip-to-lip kissing before going anywhere else.If fine till here, tentatively, slowly and lightly draw your tongue across the other person's lips. Chances are from here, if the other person lightly parts his tongue, slowly explore the other person's tongue in a light licking motion.
The tongue has a very sensitive surface, which is why tongue to tongue is the essence of french kissing. After you've tried lightly licking the other person's tongue, you can try sucking on it, wrestling with it ( see if you can hold it to the floor of her mouth ) and other things like that(but dont bite!!)..also click on the source listed below and explore more things..
let i come naturally.

trust me!
u may find hes never kissed any1 b4 either, watch some movies/tv shows where people r kissing and watch what they do.
as previous poster said it'll cme naturally, just let it happen when it does, good luck

Help Pleasuring Myself!!!?

Ok... I've been trying 2 pleasure myself, but it just doesn't work...idk if its cuz i haven't gotten my period yet... but im 14 so i think it would work. Plz! I need help! ideas antone? it just feels so GOOD!
yes rubbing and stimulation your Private parts is very seductive...most people cant keep there hands away.. old men ..women.. kids doctors .police every walk of life.. your the only one that can help your problem ITS IN YOUR HANDS
Vibrators work great.
If it feels good, then you're doing it right.
try using or buyin if you dont have one.a electric toothbrush, and insert it in,(just make sure you take the brush off! ;) ) enjoy.
Try corn cob

Help please?

i just got a new bikini and i dont think i am fat but how do imake my tummy a bit smaller
-work out
-run with a dog.. or pet or friend
-Lay off the junk food.

And umm yea
You have to work out and eat healthy. As hard as eatting healthy is. When you go to dinner (or eat at your house) have a salad with chicken, it's filling but yet not bad for you. Also smoothies are good to drink. I would stay away from junk food, and eat vegies and fruit. Also you can walk around your neighborhood or ride your bike or scooter (whatever you have). Good luck!
stretching exercises like stretching yr legs while sitting and trying to touch yr toes. sitting on chair, raise your straight legs, raise n lower them without supporting those for 20 times.

Help please?

i am going to sebreez tomorrow and i just got ym fisrt period last ngiht what do i do and do i wear a pad os tampon

please help me
thank you for all your help
I am positive that you are not ready for tampons, and I dont think you will be untill you are a little older. But any form or water temporeroly stops bleeding so here is what you should do.

1) Take a shower and dry off, the flow should stop and you have at least an hour to get into the ocean.

2) When yopu get to the ocean, go in immeadatly (with out a pad or tampon!) More water means less blood.

3) The longer you stay in, the longer it will be delayed. You will be fine!
yes tampons for sure, read the instructions!
TAMPONS if your swimming and playing sports but if you are hanging out on the beach in shorts DEF. go with pads but bring both you never know what you are gonna be doing!
i would use tampons, just because they are more discreet and comfortable. but if it is only your first period i would try one first to make sure you are comfortable with using them.
try both

Help please?

I'm on the end of my period but I'm going swimming tomorrow. Can I use a tampon if there is only a tiny bit of blood?
I suggest using a light tampon, Don't use a regular or heavy it could increase your risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome.
it's rare but I'd rather be safe then sorry.
During that time of month Tampons are always safe to swim with regardless of the flow.

Go swim and had fun without any worries. Everything will be fine.
if you have only a tiny bit of blood it shouldn't matter wheather or ot u where a tampon.
Yes they make juniors or "lite" tampons.
yea!! use the junior or lite tampons!! like tampax pearl.. they make a whole box of lites you can get them at CVS pharmacy or walmart! :) hope that helped

Help please?

im 14, 5'2 and 92 pounds, i have really smalll boobs, pubic hair, etc, but my mom was 12 when she got her period (she is 5'4, 112 pounds) and im 14 but still havent gotten it but i dont know why, im not athletic or anything but could it be because i dont eat meat? and dont tell me im lucky and that i shouldnt want it, i already know its a pain but it sucks to be the last one to get it
well ill tell you not eating meat is a good way to stay healthy and cause you don't like eating poor lil animals but you at least should eat some kind of meat to get energy why don't you try vegetable burgers but i don't know your body is still adjusting and may take a while for you to have a period ONE NOTE:if you eat differently i had researched you wont get your period because you don't eat meat you are not getting to much nutrients that you need and meet is on the food chart to lead a healthy body but every girl is different you will have to be patient and wait
your fine this is completely normal you might not get it until ur late teens also it might be becuase your very small and light weight but dont worry about it to much its just the way these things work! :)
i didn't het mine till i was 16. i had big boobs.
so it has nothing to do with that or not eating meat.

you'll get yours when its your time
Well dont be wooried some people start late,you will know when it have came and please don't be in a rush for it to come because your body just might not be ready for it to happen yet.But it will come!
you're gonna be pining for these days again. I'm a man and hear the horror stories of PMS. I feel the effects of girlfriends when they're going through this. Enjoy it while you can.
Actually yes vegitarians get their periods later then nonvegitarians. Tha ti probably why
You got it. I know a veg girl who got her first visit of the scarlet vistor after all her friends. Cows are sold by the pound so the fatter, the more money they get. So they put female hormones in them that fatten them up and make the eaters fatter and get earlier periods (some at 8 or 9).

See site below to learn more on how diet affects how bad the bleeding and cramps are. See page on nutrition for info on nutrition for vegans and vegetarians. Albert Einstein was a vegetarian.
hang in there love, everything comes in due time.
dont be in a rush to have cramps and bloating.

Help please...period??

ok so i know i asked a question similar to this one.but ne ways here i go..

ok so last month around the 20 i had sticky goey brown stuff come out and i didnt no what it was so i moved on and now i dont no if i should think i go tmy period or not it went on for about 7 days and like it was only a little but not anything like a redish color and im really sorry if this is gross but i need to know if i got it or not ...my mom got hers at 16 and when i tried telling her i think i got it she didnt believe me at all. so i mean she might just be expecting me to get it later but i mean i am more developed than she was wen she was a kid.

I had discharge for about 2 years oh and im 13 to let yah no. My friends think i might of got it but they had a heavy flow so idk...n please tell me if i got it cuz i think i did..grrrrr. im confused.
It is highly likely that you HAVE started your period. When you first start, the blood is often a brownish/reddish colour and the flow isnt heavy. For the first 6 months or so your periods can be very irregular and show up 2/3/4/5 months apart sometimes. They get into a once a month routine after a while so dont worry!

Help please!?

I know nothing about tampons, how to use them, the dangers, etc. please tell me!!
A tampon is a plug of cotton or other absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb fluid. The most common type in daily use (and the topic of the remainder of this article) is a usually disposable plug that is designed to be inserted into a woman's vagina during menstruation to absorb the flow of blood. The use of these devices has occasionally caused serious health related issues, such as infection and even death in rare cases (see Toxic shock syndrome). In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates tampons as medical devices.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Design and packaging
3 Absorbency ratings
4 Toxic shock syndrome
5 Other health concerns
6 Alternative choices
6.1 Disposable
6.2 Reusable
7 References
8 External links

[edit] History
The tampon with an applicator and string was invented in 1929 and submitted for patent in 1931 by Dr. Earle Haas, an American from Denver, Colorado. Tampons based on Dr. Haas' design were first sold in the U.S. in 1936.

[edit] Design and packaging
Tampons come in various sizes, which are related to their absorbency ratings and packaging.

The shape of all tampons is basically the same; cylindrical. Tampons sold in the United States are made of cotton, rayon, or a blend of the two. Tampons are sold individually wrapped to keep them clean, although they are not sterile, nor are tampon companies required by law to list the ingredients in them. They have a string for ease of removal, and may be packaged inside an applicator to aid insertion.

Tampon applicators may be made of plastic or cardboard, and are similar in design to a syringe. The applicator consists of a bigger tube and a narrower tube. The bigger tube has a smooth surface and a round end for easier insertion. Some applicators have a star shape opening at the round end, others are open ended. The tampon itself rests inside the bigger tube, near the open end. The narrower tube is nested inside the other end of the bigger tube. The open end of the bigger tube is placed and held in the vagina, then the narrower tube is pushed into the bigger tube (typically using a finger) pushing the tampon through and into the vagina. If not inserted at a 45 degree angle it can cause discomfort and make removal difficult.

Digital tampons are tampons sold without applicators; these are simply unwrapped and pushed into the vagina with the fingers (digits).

It is normally not necessary to remove a tampon before urinating or having a bowel movement.

[edit] Absorbency ratings

2 water drop marks mean that the absorbency is between 6 to 9 grams.Tampons come in several different absorbency ratings, which are consistent across manufacturers in the U.S.:

Junior(or light) absorbency: 6 grams and under
Regular absorbency: 6 to 9 grams
Super absorbency: 9 to 12 grams
Super plus absorbency: 12 to 15 grams
Ultra absorbency: 15 to 18 grams

[edit] Toxic shock syndrome
Main article: toxic shock syndrome
Tampons have been shown to have a connection to toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a rare but sometimes fatal disease caused by bacterial infection. The U.S. FDA suggests the following guidelines for decreasing the risk of contracting TSS when using tampons:

Follow package directions for insertion
Choose the lowest absorbency for your flow
Change your tampon at least every 4 to 8 hours
Consider alternating disposable or cloth pads with tampons
Avoid tampon usage overnight when sleeping
Know the warning signs of toxic shock syndrome
Don't use tampons between periods
Following these guidelines can help to protect a woman from TSS, and cases of tampon connected TSS are extremely rare in the United States.

[edit] Other health concerns
Many chemicals are present in tampons, including pesticides used on the cotton and chlorine used to bleach the tampons. Some of the chemicals used to bleach tampons have been implicated in the formation of dioxin. A study by the FDA done in 1995 says there are not significant amounts of dioxin to pose a health risk; the amount detected ranged from undetectable to 1 part in 3 trillion, which is far less than the normal exposure to dioxin in everyday life.[1] However, the presence of dioxin in a product that enters a major body orifice, where there is more risk of absorption, caused a great deal of concern. Nevertheless, manufacturers insist that bleaching is needed to produce effective products, despite tampons not using bleaching or chemical treatment being available.

Another concern is related to the use of rayon in tampons. Rayon consists of tiny strings of plastic. Some speculate that these strands of plastic can cause microtears on the vaginal wall when inserted and taking out. There is further speculation that, if microtears are present, the condition could leave the vagina more open to infection.

Although some say that 100% cotton tampons may be safer than using tampons with a cotton and rayon mix because of there being less dioxin, there is still a risk with all-cotton tampons. All-cotton tampons are generally harder to find and usually cost more than generic tampon brands. Some researchers claim that although switching to a 100% cotton alternative reduces the risk of TSS, it does not remove it entirely. We are also exposed to dioxins in other ways, so eliminating dioxin in tampons will not mean there will be no contact with dioxin in the environment.

Fiber loss along with damage done to the vaginal tissue from fiber has also been a concern, but fiber loss is more likely with all-cotton tampons. Furthermore, as tampons are absorbent and placed within an area such as the vagina this significantly increases risk of bacterial infections.

[edit] Alternative choices
Some women choose not to use tampons. Several alternate ways of absorbing menstrual fluids are available. Women in developing countries are less likely to have these choices (including tampons) available.

Some women may choose not to use tampons because they fear damaging their hymen, regarded as a proof of virginity. In some cultures, the use of tampons by virgins is discouraged because of this.

[edit] Disposable
disposable menstrual pads (sanitary napkins/towels)
organic tampons
organic menstrual pads (sanitary napkins/towels)
softcups menstrual cup

[edit] Reusable
Menstrual cup made of silicone, or gum rubber. Non diaphragm. (Examples include the DivaCup and The Keeper/Moon Cup).
diaphragm as menstrual cup
cloth menstrual pads
homemade menstrual pads
homemade tampons
Free-flow (layering [using layers of clothing to avoid obvious leaking] or instinctive [learning to recognize when you will bleed])
padded panties/period pants/Lunapanties
sea sponges (used like tampons)
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
[edit] References
Finley, Harry (1998)(2001). The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health. Retrieved December 12, 2003 from http://www.mum.org/comtampons.htm...
Khela, Bal (November 26, 1999). The Women's Environmental Network. Retrieved December 13, 2003 from http://www.wen.org.uk/gen_eng/genetics/t...
Meadows, Michelle (March-April, 2000). Tampon safety: TSS now rare, but women should still take care. FDA Consumer magazine.
Sanpro. (April 8, 2003). The Women's Environmental Network. Retrieved December 13, 2003 from http://www.wen.org.uk/sanpro/sanpro.htm...
Truths and myths about tampons http://www.snopes.com/toxins/tampon.htm...
Using a Toilet for Tampon Disposal
Practicing Proper Sanitary Napkin Disposal

[edit] External links
Original patent by Dr. Earle Haas
Tampon Related Patents Tampon Patents
TamPontification A website for women whose purpose is to start a national conversation about the still oft-“forbidden” subject of menstruation. Also offers ways for you to help those in need, and take better care of your body and the environment.
well i use tampaz compak it tells you everything you need to know in a leaflet inside the box so should all tampons if you buy ones with an applicator it may be easier for first time users.
That info can also be found on the box.and in the instructions contains inside the box. It's not that difficult.
when you buy tamps there should be instructions in the box, and belive me, they are way more comfortable then pads!! but make sure whenever you use them, you have a panty liner, its like a very thin small pad, you use it so you wont get TSS...if your going to use them, just read the directions, its very simple, dont freak out
Read the leaflet...I was in your position years ago and now I use nothing but tampons. I couldn't talk to my mum and I just learned myself so that proves it can be done. I can't stand the thought of "it" leaving my body and this way i control it rather than it controls me. Good luck and don't give up. x
Go to this website.

MINTY, A simple hyperlink would have done you moron.C-C-Ping an entire page is Plagiarism.
i get tampax and there is directions in the box. read them
hi read the instructions it tells you everything you need to know, failing that if you still are not sure ask your mum of a friend

Help please!?

I just took a OSOM urine pregnancy test, I got it from planned parenthood and it came in a very discrete, blank,white package. I opened it and there were no instructions, I took the test and it shows one black line, I read on the internet that you can get two colors, white and black. But I cant find anywhere where it says if black is pregnant or white is. Please can you help me out! Find a link that tells which is which. Ive done many searches but came up with nothing, all of the sites just say it has to possible colors, black and white! Ahhh!please help! Thank you.
i researched it and it said that 1 black line at the c is negative.
hope this helps
good luck

hope you get the result you want.
1 line - negative
2 lines - positive

This is what I found in Adobe format. One black line is a negative result. A black and white line is a positive.
vc .net